It's no question that one of Bethesda's most anticipated titles for E3 2015 is the long-awaited, next installment in the DOOM franchise, so, naturally, it kicked off its conference with a bang by opening the gates of Hell with an impressive trailer showing just how much fun slaughtering demons will be on the PlayStation 4 in spring 2016.
DOOM looks to retain the fast-paced movement, combat, and non-regenerating health system that made the first-person shooter series iconic and influential, while making improvements across the board as well. Fluid melee attacks that entail ripping out the hearts of foes or pulling off various body parts of demons will prove to add insane levels of gore to the experience, and the moody, graphically astounding atmospheres – whether on a space station or in Hell itself – only confirm that this looks to be a first-person shooter for the ages.
To see more of DOOM's insane levels and smooth gunplay, be sure to check out two trailers below; one that introduces all of the primary weapons and mechanics in a slow, general fashion on a space station, or another that takes place in Hell where the gameplay truly shines and flows as demons pile up all around the player.
What do you think of the single-player trailers? Are you signing up for a trip to Hell after seeing them, or were you left wanting more? Blaze down to the comments section below to let us know.
Comments 9
Possibly the goriest thing I've ever seen. And I worked in a morgue once
The last thing I was expecting to get me hyped for E3 2015 was DOOM. But it worked like a charm!
@ryanorly @get2sammyb Same here! You know, something I'm not usually accustomed to is FPS games with fast movement. The New Order took me off guard at first with this and how quick shootouts can be in pace. However, I got used to it and started to love this increased speed. Now that we have the king of fast-paced shooters returning with this DOOM...I'm so ready. lol Definitely my favorite part of Bethesda's conference.
This for more was the best. The music, the sound effects, the simplicity... It all worked wonders. I'm now away more excited than I should be!
It was an extremely slick demo -it may sound like an odd comparison but it reminded me of timesplitters.
You can build your own levels.
Fallout is ok and all, but this is what impressed me. Looks like it's been worth the wait!
At last the king has returned. No more health regen and 2 gun nonsense, a bit more pace oh and bungie take note, that's a shotgun not that peashooter with a 2 foot range that you have. With this and Wolfenstein back on form all we need is Quake to return to it's roots,
Bethesda have knocked it of the park with this and Fallout 4, with the latter now at the very top of my wishlist.
Looks amazing. Can't wait to own it!!
This game looks gorgeous (moreso the 2nd video than the cramped dark 1st one) and it really made me wonder what a PS4 God of War game could look like, but I am so officially over the hill I couldn't even watch either vid to the end. If I were a 3rd or half my age and my girlfriend just dumped me I imagine I'd be all over this, but it just looked so plodding, slowly move forward and shoot things, w/ a couple of MKX fatalities thrown in for good measure. No story like Mass Effect or Far Cry, no speed or color like the old Serious Sam games or GoW or DmC or Bayonetta, no humour like Duke Nukem.
But the strangest part was there was never any sense of fear or terror like TLoU or the old resident evil games. Even if the guy in the vid got killed I didn't care. It's a graphics engine in search of a game, speed, a sense of urgency and a color palate.
Maybe if I hadn't just watched all those Fallout 4 vids and the Arkham Knight trailer I might have been a little more impressed.
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