Witcher Landscape

We already know that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one heck of a big game. The open world map apparently takes a good 20 minutes to travel from one end of it to the other on horseback, and that's without factoring in any strange happenings or tense fights with beasties.

However, if you're not quite taken in by the sheer scale of CD Projekt Red's creation, you may want to watch that footage that we've embedded in this very article. The PlayStation Access team are back, and this time, they're gunning it from one side of the map to the other. It takes them a grand total of 35 minutes to do, as they have Geralt run, ride, sprint, and sail to his destination.

It's all PlayStation 4 footage too, to feel free to keep on the lookout for any frame rate drops, and then rant about them in the comments section below.