This explosive new gameplay trailer for Destiny's House of Wolves, which releases in just five days time, shows off just about everything that you can expect from the sci-fi shooter's latest downloadable content. From story missions to Strikes and the all new Prison of Elders arena, it's already looking better than the rather disappointing The Dark Below. Are you hyped? Pick up some heavy ammo and go to town in the comments section below.
This Is What You'll Be Doing in Destiny's House of Wolves DLC
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Comments 13
So sad. My legend will take me somewhere else =).
I'm really looking forward to some new content for Destiny. My only problem is that Witcher comes out the same freaking day! I will probably play Destiny first being that it is a multiplayer focused game and I would like to play it when all my friends will be doing the same.
Assuming they sort out the issue with the update of course...
I expect to be playing the Witcher 3 although I do want to see what this offers.
Indeed, I'm about ready for some new Destiny content please! I won't be doing any of that. So done with this game and never coming back!
I gotta say, I won't be coming back to this anytime soon. The Witcher 3 and Splatoon will be taking up my precious time here soon, plus I still have a backlog of games I'd like to play and beat this summer. Besides, the grind isn't really worth it to me anymore.
Looks at witcher 3
looks at my destiny season pass
deletes Destiny to make room for Witcher 3
Class game, the "I'm so done with it crowd" good hopefully you will post that on every single forum for every single game you don't play anymore. Never understood the hate, it just seems everyone jumped on a bandwagon and rode in it. There's a few issues, but they are far outweighed by the positives.
@themcnoisy I know, i find it really annoying the way people click and post on a article regarding a game they "No longer like" or are going to "delete to make room for the witcher".
If i really didnt care for a a certain game, then i sure as hell Wouldn't waste my time even reading a article . Let alone posting negative and irrelevant nonsense.
@Davros79 That's the point. Those people - me included - ARE disappointed, I'd love Destiny to be what it promised to be in early trailers and PR material. All of Destiny's issues could be easily fixed. I don't mind repetition (heck I love racing games, Helldivers and Diablo 3) but it wouldn't have hurt - for example - in all the strikes, to have some random elements like enemy placement, enemy strength, a better loot system maybe with one-time-consumable special items that randomly drop through each mission just to spice things up. I got my season pass long ago before I realized that Destiny is not what I was hoping for. I hold no real grudge though, got 100+ hours of good fun out of it but yes, I am - as many others - done with Destiny and sometimes we feel the urge to voice our opinion because deep down we feel like Destiny is the game we wanted to love indefintely but couldn't. No offense to you guys still enjoying it, it's just that if I've done the exactly same thing 30+ times, I can't be bothered anymore - of course my opinion is purely personal and has no (and shouldn't have) effect on your enjoyment of the game.
@Scollurio very well written,you make some valid points.
But what i really dont understand is people who have PAID for the season pass already, who are now saying that with H.O.W literally days away, that they Aren't even going to try it .Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!!!!!
I know that Dark below was borderline awful (in terms of new content ). But bungie look to have made amends with H.O.W which is far more varied an fleshed out than Dark below ever was.
I just think that if a person has paid for the season pass, and still owns a copy of destiny, then it is idiotic not to give the new content a try.
House of wolves is the most promising thing destiny has offered since release.
@Davros79 I definitely see where you're coming from, and I DO have a copy of Destiny (digitally) and I hold the season pass and still I'll not touch it anymore, because the kind of content H.O.W. offers to me is still basicly the same flawed gameplay treadmill than the rest of the game. Even though it might bring in new experiences, the overall concept of Destiny, what it is, is what I've grown tired of. It's like this, imagine you had a girlfriend for a decade, and before you dated she was trying to impress you, wearing makeup and all, working out, looking good. Now a decade later nothing of what you expected your relationship to be held true, you just get along, nothing more. Suddenly she puts on some makeup again. I don't think you'd stick around and "play" her would you? Kinda awkward comparison, sorry. But when I've lost interest in something it's just gone, no matter the 19 bucks I've still invested in the expansion that I'll never play, the time I save by not playing Destiny and being reminded that despite the mechanics, graphics and settings are really top notch, the game will never be what I wanted it, expected it to be, holds far more value to me than those 19 bucks, especially since I got plenty other things to play and just seemingly found the girl of my life! So... I probably will just invest my time there!
And again: no offense for all of you that still enjoy it. It's just not for me.
@Scollurio You make some great, well constructed points which is pleasure to see as it's quite rare on gaming websites.
After putting over 200 hours into the game I also grew tired of it. I do however follow all the news about it in the hope that one day I will want to pick up the game and play it again and when I do, I want to know what awaits for me
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