Raids can be a lot of fun, especially with the right people. The six-player co-op activities have long served as Destiny's true endgame challenges which require teamwork, prior knowledge, and plenty of effective firepower – but they're not for everyone. For starters, they don't allow for any kind of matchmaking, so you need to manually gather five other Guardians if you want a shot at victory. On top of that, they can also be pretty darn tough if you're relatively new to the endgame grind, or if your allies refuse to work together properly.
Indeed, there's no doubt that a lot of Destiny players feel like they don't have the time or the commitment to get stuck into raiding – and that's perfectly reasonable – but unfortunately for them, there's been no alternative to Raids if you're looking to hit that max level cap. Well, until now. With the shooter's next slice of downloadable content, House of Wolves, Bungie is implementing a new upgrade system which allows you to hit the cap with any legendary or exotic equipment. And this new process isn't just for DLC buyers, either – everyone will be able to ascend their favourite bits of gear until they're as powerful as the equipment gained from raiding.
However, without purchasing House of Wolves, you won't be able to partake in Prison of Elders – a fresh endgame activity that slots into the title's new upgrade system rather nicely. You see, Destiny's second 'expansion' doesn't come with a Raid, much to the dismay of eager fans. Instead, you'll be able to jump into something called an Arena, and in this case, that's Prison of Elders.
Where Raids required a lot of co-operation and pre-battle planning, Arenas are designed with a somewhat contrasting mindset. For example, you only need three players to get started, and yes, there is matchmaking. This means that you can jump into the fray with a couple of randoms by your side – but there is a catch, in that although you can play through Prison of Elders repeatedly, it's set at level 28. As most Guardians will know, your level is all-important when it comes to determining how easy or how hard certain challenges are, and it's safe to say that most players who have stuck around this long will likely be around or above level 28.
So the Arena may seem a little easy for some, then, but that's also part of what the developer's trying to achieve here. By keeping the difficulty at a reasonable level, it basically means that allying with mic-less strangers is a feasible option – something that, by and large, wouldn't apply to Raids and their need for some degree of coordination.
However, that's not to say that there aren't more difficult options. Unlike the standard level 28 Arena, the level 32, 34, and 35 versions of the activity can't be attempted repeatedly and don't feature matchmaking, but, like everything else in the game, a harder challenge generally means that you'll get better rewards.
Moving on to what Prison of Elders actually is, it's admittedly a bit weird that such an activity was never present in the sci-fi shooter to begin with. Essentially a horde mode where you have to survive through three waves of enemies, it's a partially procedurally generated task. In other words, every time that you play, proceedings will be slightly different, which means that the Arena should provide a more dynamic challenge than the rest of the single player content. Differing mission types pop up from time to time, tasking you with disabling mines, for example, while still holding off your aggressors.
In many ways, it seems like something that Destiny desperately needs. The endgame grind for better and better equipment requires a lot of willpower purely because you'll be slogging through the same handful of missions over and over again. Time after time, Strikes and Raids have made up the repetitive meat of the release, and by this point, most Guardians know exactly what to expect from them in terms of enemy spawning, where the best defensive points of the maps are, and which foes need to be taken out first. With Prison of Elders, we're finally getting content that promises some randomised variety, and that's an incredibly important part of keeping players enjoyably engaged.
Do you agree with our thoughts on Destiny's Prison of Elders, or are you sick and tired of Bungie's shooter? Drop some worthless loot in the comments section below.
Comments 20
Too Little too late - no idea why so many people are still hooked. Biggest disappointment in gaming since army of two III...
@Scollurio It's a good game. Loads of people like it. It wasn't what you wanted and you ultimately lost interest, and that's fine, but it's boring hearing the same old complaints. It's like me buying Project Cars and saying it's rubbish when really the game just isn't for me. To be honest the Destiny forum went through a patch where everyone was slagging it off but at a glance it seems to have grown past that a little and people are enjoying it for what it is again. Blame the pre-release hype, I guess. But the reality is it was a fairly solid shooter to begin with and it's only getting better.
I am TOTALLY hyped for House of Wolves - The Dark Below was a total bummer but House of Wolves will totally make up for it!
Knowing that the higher levels won't have matchmaking is quite frustrating. I understand why Bungie does it, but the fact is not everyone has the time or people on there friends list to get everyone together for raids and now this. Though it is only 3 people so that's a bit better. But still, the people in my friends list live all over the world and getting everyone on at the same time to run something is quite difficult. Oh well, I'll be jumping to at least experience what the latest DLC has to off. And afterwards I'll be going right back to play FFXIV. An expansion is about to drop for that and I couldn't be more excited.
Still, the amount of content in Destiny is very small. No wonder Activision has revenue 1.28 billions. They sell air. Where are new planets? Where are new enemies? Where are new types of weapons and new classes of characters? Instead we have randomly generated something and another reason to grind through same old content. Those armor and weapons orbs, they are not improvement, but the way to make you grind more, through this very very small content.
@kyleforrester87 I fully agree. It's a solid shooter, awesome music, awesome presentation and yes you're right, I bought into the pre-release hype, blaming myself, but fact is that it is rather repetitive and thats why I wondered that so many people are still hooked. No offense there!
@Scollurio It is repetitive, but then so is running a track continuously trying to beat your best time. Repetitive isn't a bad thing, as long as you're having fun. If you stick with it and actively seek out the most rewarding elements of the game, not just in terms of loot, but also the social aspect, it is a fun game - at least for many people - and for those people any additions are welcome. I play tons of different types of games anyway, Destiny just satisfies a certain itch
Hey may I ask something... After the updates et al is it possible to play the game campaign solo? I would like to play a science fiction game and nowadays it is somewhat cheap but I am not much of multiplayer gamer...
@belmont It is, the story isn't all that really but I'd certainly recommend a run through on your own anyway. I'm not into multiplayer much but can make an exception with Destiny. Try it and see, I think you can pick it up pretty cheap as you mentioned, especially preowned. Best case scenario you get many hours out of it I guess.
@kyleforrester87 Thanks. I may get the game.
I was thinking about getting back into this when the DLC dropped, but level 28 is the only option with matchmaking? Seriously? No thanks, I'll be playing Witcher 3 anyway. Sorry Bungie, try again!
@thatguyEZ post In the destiny forums under internet groups. Without that I would be a shadow of my shotgun toting badass. Everyone is sound and was in the same position as you a few months ago. @belmont jump in ots a great game, for the first 25 hours you can run around on your own occasionally jumping into matchmade strikes, story missions, planet patrols and the crucible (play control if your new as you can still help control flags)
@kyleforrester87 It would be more like playing (and enjoying) Project Cars for 2-3 months and then lose interest in it. Almost instantly.
I played it every single day and that's what happened to me.
@AyeHaley agree to be honest happened to me a couple of times and I expect it will in the future. Nice to give it a break and come back though. As much as I think it's a decent game it's not got enough content to hammer day after day and not get fed up.
Picked this up for £15 off eBay , arrived today. I was convinced by a customer in my taxi on how much fun it is.
@belmont There is a demo on the PS store actually. Forgot about that.
@kyleforrester87 Thanks for the info. For some reason I did not find it. Downloading now...
@belmont Yes I just noticed it yesterday. Would be interested to here what you think of it Not sure how imited the demo is but feel free to add some of us who play
@kyleforrester87 Still downloading... 17GB the demo plus 6GB an update... Will check and add some of us if I can.
Edit: Seems that I lost the digital discount. Was 35 euros now is 70... If I go for it I will get it used.
@belmont yeah add some of who play on the forum
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