Don't you just hate it when this happens?

There may be a dearth of big budget blockbusters on the PlayStation Vita right now, but there are bags of indie titles and quirky Japanese curios. Corpse Party is one franchise that blossomed into popularity towards the end of the PlayStation Portable's life, and it looks like its Vita exclusive successor, Corpse Party: Blood Drive – which launched in Japan last summer – could be making the trip overseas.

XSEED, the company that localised the previous entries in this petrifying property, has registered a domain for the sequel, suggesting that a translation is on the cards. It takes place two months after the events of Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, and features a little more exploration than its immediate predecessors. Is this one get-together that you'll be turning up to on time, or will you be giving it a miss? Try not to scream in the comments section below.

[source, via]