Street Fighter V PS4

Street Fighter's always been a franchise for the most hardcore of fighting game fans, but speaking as part of a Polygon feature, series shepherd Yoshinori Ono has admitted that he's attempting to appeal to "younger players" with Street Fighter V. If you're readying a rant regarding a potentially watered down experience, though, the always-buoyant employee added that he also intends to grow the title's tournament scene, so it would seem that the forthcoming PlayStation 4 and PC exclusive will have the same sort of depth as its predecessors.

Moreover, net code is massively important to the Capcom veteran this time around. "We were able, with Street Fighter X Tekken, to develop new netcode that was a generational leap above what we'd done previously, but were unable to work that code into Ultra Street Fighter IV since the underlying tech is so different," he explained. "I'd certainly like to continue breaking new ground in this arena."

We got our first glimpse at Street Fighter V late last year, but you can presumably expect more at E3 and the various other conventions in the calendar. Sony, who appears to be helping develop the sequel, announced in December that it had boosted the Capcom Cup prize pool to $500,000, presumably as part of an attempt to dominate the fighting game scene. Are you looking forward to the fifth entry in this famous franchise, or are you waiting to see more before making up your mind? Throw a fireball in the comments section below.
