inFAMOUS: Second Son
Stuck on you

In addition to being an ace looking superhero escapade, inFAMOUS: Second Son is starting to sound a little bit like a tribute to developer Sucker Punch’s hometown. Not content with scanning the likenesses of real Seattle residents to populate the virtual streets of the upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive, the studio has also repurposed the region's, er, infamous wall of bubblegum.

Located in Post Alley beneath Pike Place Market, the disgusting landmark is one of the city’s greatest tourist attractions. Originally started in the early 90s by an improvisational comedy company, the hotspot now sports 50 feet of layered coloured gum. Some visitors even attempt to create messages and artwork out of the gobbled up gloop.

Of course, never one to care for personal hygiene, the above screenshot from the fast approaching sequel shows protagonist Delsin Rowe adding to the display with some Hubba Bubba of his own. Is your stomach feeling chewed up over this repulsive addition, or are your eyes glued to the included images? Spit your thoughts out in the comments section below.

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