One of the main complaints about Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn when it deployed on the PlayStation 3 was that its performance didn't match up to its PC counterpart. Fortunately, we found out last week that the heavily upgraded PlayStation 4 version will release on 14th April in Japan – and today it has been revealed by publisher Square Enix that it will launch on the same day in Europe, too.
A Collector's Edition is being prepared for those joining the MMO for the first time, and it will share the same contents as the original edition, but with two new items: a Wind-Up Moogle Minion and a mount based on Final Fantasy VII's beloved alternate summon, Fat Chocobo. Don't worry about needing to double dip on those expensive premium packages, as those who have already purchased the current generation Collector's Edition will automatically receive the two new in-game items. Vanilla buyers won't be left out either, as all PS3 copies of the game will be upgraded to PS4 versions free of charge.
One of the best features about the next generation release isn't the arrival of Fat Chocobo or its improved graphics, however, but the confirmation of full share button compatibility. Now you'll be able to upload your most epic moments for the rest of the world to see. The big question is: are you ready to return to Eorzea? Climb on board in the comments section below.
Comments 9
I really looking forward to sharing my pictures with Twitter and Facebook without having to transfer it off my PS3
Excellent news, first Outlast on ps+ at the beginning of the month and now this near the end
@Chris1975 It's not coming out until April, so you have a bit longer than that to wait.
Yeah but the open beta begins on the 22nd of Feb though! Get2sammyb?
I would love to as I love the final fantasy series, but it's to expensive subscription and I have other comitments that are more important
I hope it gets a free to play model sometime in the future same as ffxi
@Chris1975 The Open beta is starting on the 22nd
@NicolaHayden Thats what I said LOL
I really wish I had the time for this game.
@Squiggle55 So do I. My arcanist must be so lonely.
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