But this is a rumour for Grasshopper Manufacture's latest title; y'know, the Suda51 joint. That means it's hard to treat any rumours as nonsense — the crazier they are, the more likely they are to be true.
Take Lollipop Chainsaw, the studio's latest title if you believe a series of leaks from Japanese magazine Famitsu. Apparently it features a cheerleader protagonist raised by kindly zombie hunters. The twist? Little Miss Cheerleader is actually a zombie hunter. Oh Suda.
Apparently Suda's going for a pop music vibe, with zombies spraying pink blood instead of crimson. Couple that with a soundtrack by musical maestro Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill, Shadows Of The Damned), and you have a very promising sounding project.
Even more promisingly, the game is said to be about 70% complete, with Kadokawa Games thought to be handling publishing duties.
The game sounds right up our alley, but we're still waiting for official confirmation. This week's Famitsu magazine should reveal all. Or not.
Update @ 16:02: Yup, Lollipop Chainsaw is a real product. According to 1Up, the game stars a busty eighteen-something called Juliet Starling. She's on her way to high-school to meet up with her boyfriend when, yup, zombies attack.
"Actually I've wanted to do a crazy horror-action game like this set in a school for a while now," Suda revealed. "Something where the classrooms, corridors, gymnasium and so on are suddenly transformed into something completely different. I was also working on a game concept centered around using a chainsaw as a weapon, and once the idea for the Juliet character began to form, it was just a perfect fit."
And on the subject of that all-important Yamaoka soundtrack: "We're putting a lot of effort into the soundtrack, definitely," added Suda. "Part of the reason we established Grasshopper in the first place was so we could work on every part of a game in-house, and we treat sound especially importantly in this outfit. The sound team for Lollipop is led by Yamaoka and they're working on a whole array of pop tunes right now. Part of the gameplay might involve sound as well, although exactly how we're still keeping a secret."
Did we mention? This game sounds amazing.
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