PushSquare's Most Anticipated PlayStation Games Of Holiday 2010: Sports Champions.

That's all we want. That's all we've ever wanted. Well to be honest, that's not strictly true. A good motion controlled tennis game is truly what we've always wanted. But for now, table tennis will do. Yes, we know you can play it on the Wii, but Sports Champions looks to take those Wii Sports Resort concepts an elevate them to an even higher depth of accuracy.

Sports Champions is the banner release in PlayStation Move's launch offering. The game's a mix of modern and medieval sports games, including disc golf, bocce, gladiator, archery and, of course, table tennis. While the whole affair looks a bit tech demo-ey (there's no online multiplayer, and the single-player sounds pretty limited), Sports Champions is likely to be the first impression people get of the PlayStation Move's fidelity. And certainly from what we've seen of table tennis and gladiator, it's a step above what's being offered on both the Wii and Kinect.

Alone, Sports Champions probably wouldn't make our list. But as a PlayStation Move launch title, there's enough interest and excitement attached to make it one of our most anticipated games of the year.