Sony Reckon The Name Playstation Move Best Conveys The Product. We Agree.

Whether or not that's the case, Sony's Scott Rodhes has come out to tell IndustryGamers that the name Move "conveys" what the controller is all about.
“It’s great – everyone’s so interested in how our company names products. It’s like at any other company, everyone dumps in their ideas and you’ve got agencies out there coming up with names.

“At the end of the day, we really felt that Move conveyed what the controller is all about. It’s a word that the smallest kid understands, and it’s a really good name. I’m happy with it.”</blockquote>

Over the past few weeks the name Move has really grown on us. It's simple yet effective. It's also undeniable that the product suits its namesake in a way that Arc would not.

If you want to know more about Playstation Move, Kevin Butler's got your back.