Tekken 7 Patch 3.20 Leroy Nerf Balance

We all knew it was coming, and here it is. DLC character Leroy Smith has been dominating Tekken 7 since he released near the end of last year, and now it looks like he's being nerfed rather heavily. The balance update arrives as part of patch 3.20, which also adds 'My Replay and Tips' functionality, allowing players to watch their matches back and have the game give them tips on how to improve. It's available to download now on PS4.

Anyway, if you're just here to see how badly Leroy's been hit, be sure to check out the full list of character balance adjustments. In short, a lot of Leroy's damage has been toned down and many of his moves have been made less safe. Hopefully this update brings peace back to the world of Tekken 7 -- especially after Evo Japan 2020 was a low point for the game's competitive scene.

What are your thoughts on Leroy? Is it about time that he got nerfed? Tell us it didn't have to go down like this in the comments section below.

[source bandainamcoent.com, via cdn-cms.bnea.io]