Invitations are starting to go out to press concerning E3 2019, asking them to come along to appointments where they can get hands on time with upcoming games. Publisher THQ Nordic is doing exactly that, and in turn, has revealed that it will be announcing two new games at the show.
Each appointment a journalist can agree to attend comes with a small description in order to brief them on what to expect. The descriptors attached to THQ Nordic's meetings are: "it's the long-awaited return of a galactically beloved game/franchise" and "it is a new vision of a beloved game/franchise."
So, what are these two games? The publisher has a mammoth amount of IPs to draw from now after it purchased so many over the past few years, so the possibilties are endless. Although, one of these has to be TimeSplitters, right? It's probably the most popular property THQ Nordic has on its books right now - most definitely fitting the descrption of a "beloved game/franchise".
What do you think these two games could be? Hype yourselves up in the comments below.
Comments 32
Destroy All Humans anyone?
Knack 3 and 4.
TimeSplitters is a real possibility. I’m sure they’ve already said they’re working on a new game.
If it is Timesplitters, it’s funny coz v.recently I sent a friendly email to THQ Nordic asking for TS to be resurrected 😻 Looking forward to seeing how this develops.. 🚀
I wonder whether a new Time Splitters would have an arcade mode like Time Splitters 2. There are many story driven first person shooters But I don’t think there’s ever been anything else quite like the diverse and often humorous series of challenges in that game.
@gdog989 Guess publishers like to listen to you. Can you do me a favour and get Sony to start on Ape Escape 4 please
Kingdoms of Amalur please for the love of God...
Pleeeeeaase be TimeSplitters!!! I still play 2 because it’s such a good party game.
@gdog989 Do me a favour and send an email to Rockstar and ask for Table Tennis 2 please
@Splat That was the first thing that I thought of.
Oh man, would love some TimeSplitters, fun times indeed.
First one is absolutely Destroy All Humans
Dont make me start to hope! I would be all over a new timesplitters. My only fear is that the online mode is ripe for monetisation.
@WebHead I distinctly remember THQ-N saying they had plans for that franchise as well... hmm...
TImesplitters would be awesome and a nice fit for ALL consoles, especially the switch!
Please Destroy All Humans!!!!!
Destroy all humans and Timesplitters... bet on it....
I’d not argue if they wanted to do a red faction either
Wasn't bothered about this year's E3 but if this is TimeSplitters then it will be THE BEST THING EVER (well for me anyway) (+ PLEASE be TimeSplitters 2) But it has to have a 4 player split-screen mode with Bots or there will be no point really because that is what made the TimeSplitters games so much FUN
Undoubtedly Destroy all humans.
I would love a new TS but think my fond memories of it could never be met in a new game. Happy to be proved wrong though!
@Orpheus79V remake would be dope. The OG and its sequel were decent games for their time.
New vision = GoS Timesplitters
Didn’t THQ Nordic say they have 77 games in development? Where are the other 75? 😛
A new Second Sight or Full Spectrum Warrior game please.
After the 2 HD levels in Homefront: The Revolution, I've been waiting for a TimeSplitters announcement of some sort. I really hope this is it. Even if it's just an HD re-release.
could it be croc? with the spyro/crash revival it makes sense
90% certain it's Timeplitters, What could be the other?
Going off the acquisition wiki page, good contenders would be...
Alone in the dark?
Deadly Creatures VR and Painkiller: Numb Nuts
For about 4th year in a row I’m posting this gif.
Timesplitters in any guise would be most welcome. I very much enjoyed all of them on my PS2 back in the day.
stares into middle distance
Didn’t play originals but an updated version would be sick
Kingdoms of Amalur Remaster & new one same formula forget that online version, please guys
Destroy All Humans remake please !
I also want a PS4 collection of the previous titles!
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