Call of Duty Black Ops 4 PS4 PlayStation 4 1

This is quite a funny story: Sony, as you know, has arranged a seven day exclusivity window for all Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 content, which means that the PlayStation 4 is currently the only console you can buy microtransactions for the first-person shooter. Set to roll out next week on other systems, you can now pony up real cash for the imaginatively named COD Points, which allow you to purchase Nebulium Plasma in Zombies and cosmetic items from the Black Market.

Of course, people are fuming, namely because it takes an eternity to grind through Black Market tiers – and, surprise, the microtransactions speed up the process. To be honest, we’ve been reading through how Call of Duty’s monetisation scheme works, and it just sounds so complicated. Like, it’s only ever cosmetic stuff up for grabs here so the game isn’t becoming pay-to-win or anything like that, but it feels like you need a degree to understand this stuff lately.

We suppose the bottom line is that, right now, there’s just a bunch crummy cosmetic customisations up for grabs, so either ignore them and continue enjoying the game – or vent your spleen in the comments section until you feel better. The fact that this stuff is timed exclusive to the PS4 for a week is hilarious, though. Proper hilarious.
