Ubisoft always puts on a great E3 press conference. Debuting new titles every year, supporting its already released ones with DLC, and saving big reveals as its "one last thing", the French company has really fine-tuned its style to a tee. But that doesn't mean there hasn't been one or two hiccups along the way. These are Ubisoft's E3 highs and lows.
South Park: The Fractured But Whole brings the comedy
A sequel to South Park: The Stick of Truth was never quite set in stone, but any fears were thankfully put to rest at E3 2015 when South Park: The Fractured But Whole debuted to a chorus of laughs thanks to that name alone. South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone then took to the Ubisoft stage to discuss the game further and how the super hero aspect changes things up.
Things get awkward with Assassin's Creed Syndicate cosplayer
This could be one of the most awkward moments at an E3 press conference ever. As part of the Assassin's Creed Syndicate segment, Aisha Tyler jumped into the crowd to start interviewing this poor cosplayer who clearly didn't want to be a part of it. As she begins to start pitching memes, the interaction only gets worse and worse. Please Ubisoft, never ever do anything like this ever again.
Beyond Good & Evil 2 reveals itself
It was thought that Beyond Good & Evil 2 was all but dead, until it made an unexpected return at last year's E3. Ubisoft's "one last thing" announcement once again delivered with a four minute cinematic trailer for the sequel that proves you should never let your gaming dreams die.
An emotional thank you from Yves Guillemot
Despite having a great showing at E3 2017, there was a very real threat hanging over the heads of Ubisoft in the form of a hostile takeover from Vivendi. Those threats have now waned, but at the time, it only seemed like a matter of time before it happened. As such, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot took to the stage at the end of the presser, asking all the developers present to get up on stage as he thanked the audience and viewers worldwide for playing Ubisoft games. A heart touching moment that shows the company is made up of real people.
Rainbow Six: Siege impresses with destruction and tactics
Yet another closing show announcement that was immensely impressive. Rainbow Six: Siege debuted with a full gameplay sequence that showed off its destruction and tactical approach to the first-person shooter. The game has now gone on to be one of Ubisoft's best supported games through constant updates and a whole host of DLC.
What has been your favourite Ubisoft E3 moment over the years? Pitch your game as a service in the comments below.
Comments 12
I know it's not really relevant to our site, but I quite liked the reveal for that Mario and Rabbids game. There was a degree of disbelief to it which I found quite endearing.
You're right in the article, though: a few minor mishaps aside, Ubisoft's pretty reliable these days.
I did love that Beyond Good & Evil 2 trailer, but I was disappointed when it become clear it was basically a proof of concept. Unbelievable trailer, though.
Ubisoft? More like Boooooo-bisoft.
Wow what terrific audience.
I wonder if they'll announce a new splinter cell game this year, or even a new ip. Ubisoft almost always have some surprises.
Hoping Watch Dogs 3 is announced and is more closer to the first one in terms of characters and plot then second game which was more Scooby Doo gang in San Fran.
The kids around here might be too young to remember the days when Ubisoft was consistently embarrassing at E3. Huge turn around in recent years... If only EA could do the same.
Shouldn’t it be “ubisoft’s best worst and worst worst E3 moments of the ps4 generation”?
I’m not one to enjoy cringe and emberrasment during E3, but this (ubisoft) does put a smile on my face.
EDIT/P.S. I’m excited, I really hope they’ll announce a new just dance and announce it with a dance sequence with furries, artists and cringe. Also a wii port. But with ubisoft you’ll never no 😓 such an unpredictable company with such unpredictable reveals.
It's been a few years, but wasn't Ubisoft the company that had some well known youtubers show up on screen at random points in the conference and annoy everyone? Then there was a time that a group of people (kids?) came out and played some kind of laser tag on stage and in the audience?
@adf86 I am totally in the minority here, but I preferred the original Watch Dogs to Watch Dogs 2.
In Watch Dogs 2 the stealth was much more finicky and unreliable, and I hated how relient Marcus was on the drone. That stuff was boring, in my opinion.
That game is also REALLY heavy on ludonarrative dissonance. They did not add enough non-lethal options for Marcus and it didn't make sense to have killed loads of people and still walk around like you're some big hero. He's not he's a mass murderer.
Aiden was at least believable. The first Watch Dogs is basically an open world Punisher game.
I won't be buying another Watch Dogs unless the tone and gameplay is more like the original.
I did not like the psuedo-Anifa angle in Watch Dogs 2...
Nah I preferred Watch Dogs 2 by a long distance, but I do agree that the story and messaging didn't really match up with all the murdering.
Come on, Ubisoft, Michael Ironside is back. Reveal a new Splinter Cell.
@Constable_What I'm the same, I felt WD1's darker story fit with the whole "Invasion of tech and privacy" more. Plus there was some gameplay issues I had, like you say about the lack of stealth tools plus small bug bears like having to hold down a button to profile people now instead of the toggle method in 1.
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