Guerrilla Games’ post-release Horizon: Zero Dawn support has been nothing short of sensational, and despite first expansion Frozen Wilds being the focus of the Dutch developer’s attention right now, the studio’s still found time to patch some oft-requested features into the main game. If you boot up the release today, you’ll be prompted to download v1.30, which incorporates New Game Plus in addition to a ton of other enhancements.
“With New Game Plus you will be able to relive the adventures of Aloy without losing your character progression and your collected inventory,” community manager Jeroen Roding wrote on the PlayStation Blog. “You won’t be able to progress beyond the level cap of 50, but you can still collect XP during your adventure.”
Throughout your New Game Plus playthrough, you’ll encounter updated versions of existing weapons and outfits with additional modification slots. And you’re probably going to need these if you plan to tackle the new Ultra Hard difficulty tier, which “enhances machine senses and behaviour” in what was already a fairly tough game.
If that’s not enough, New Game Plus will include facepaints for you to personalise Aloy with, as well as Focus customisations – the ear-piece that the heroine uses on her adventure. And this is all in addition to the usual roster of bug fixes, as well as two new Trophies which will reward you for taking on the new modes. We’ve included the full patch notes below, but do let us know if you’ll be going back to Horizon: Zero Dawn in the comments section.
Horizon: Zero Dawn v1.30 Patch Notes
Patch Summary
- New game+ added for players who want to play through the game with their existing gear.
- Ultra Hard mode is added for the players that are up for another challenge!
- Added two new trophies to the game: One for completing New game+ and one for completing New game+ in ultra-hard mode.
- Added support for all EU and US text Languages on EU and US games.
General Fixes
- Fixed an issue for some players in “The Looming Shadow” where two guards would disappear after Blameless Marad speaks to them.
- Fixed an issue for certain players with the Lodge Ropecaster where the ropecaster’s anchors that are automatically shot in the ground would not stick to the terrain while shooting from a crouched position.
- Fixed an issue for some players where bandit camps would incorrectly display as ‘Undiscovered’ within the world map if the player had cleared all bandit camps.
- Fixed an issue with “Cauldron Zeta” where for some players the quest log would disappear after completing the quest.
- Fixed an issue that some players encountered with the animations of Aloy. When the player would perform a melee attack and use the Focus almost simultaneously, it would cause Aloy’s upper body to twist unnatural for a moment.
- Fixed an issue with the humanoid scream and attack indicators.
- Fixed an issue in “Deep Secrets of the Earth” where for some players the data points in Sobeck’s office were not obtainable if the player wanted to pick them after the explosion caused by Helis, as they had disappeared.
- Fixed an issue with the Tearblaster statistics being incorrectly displayed in the weapon wheel.
Progression Issues Fixes
- Fixed an issue in “Field of the Fallen” where for some players Erend would not appear and thus blocked progression of this quest.
- Fixed an issue in “The City of the Sun” where some players might teleport through the protester scene, blocking progression as Erend would not open the door to Olin’s apartment.
Crash Fixes
- Fixed miscellaneous crashes.
- Miscellaneous Fixes
- Minor text fixes.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 32
You know, new game + in hard mode sounds pretty fun. Maybe go back to this when the DLC launches..
Whats the point of the xp if i cant level up anymore?
May start this soon or wait until the DLC comes out. Ultra Hard mode sounds interesting... It wasn't exactly 'easy' on Normal difficulty and hard was tricky enough...
Hopefully the fact that you have your 'existing' gear may help and being max level with all upgrades too. I would have liked an increase to the Level Cap so may wait to see if that gets raised with the DLC before embarking on a NG+
Awesome. Will wait on the DLC but will give this a go for sure.
@AlejandroMora I thought the same thing TBH. Maybe they'll increase the level cap with the DLC and thus "banking" the XP now will stand you in good stead for that?
@get2sammyb is the dlc also gonna be on ng+ ultra hard difficulty?
Nice of them to do this for free, says the guy who spent $20 on Friday to get a green line on a map, I'll never play "hard mode" in any game.
Yesss!! I've been itching to get back to it. Game was difficult enough on hard, can't imagine what it'll be like on Ultra hard.
@AlejandroMora Absolutely no idea, sorry. I assume so?
Great news!
I'm still waiting for that MAD MAX NG+ mode.. :-E
Omg why are they still wasting manpower and resources on this game, Yadda Yadda yadda
Guerilla Games really have done a terrific job of supporting this game. I'm definitely planning on diving back into Horizon at some point and additions like this only make it tempting to start again sooner rather than later.
I quite like the idea of trying an ultra-hard, no fast travel, no death run just to see how far I could get.
I'm kinda tempted to try New Game plus BUUUUUUUUT I have so many games right now I still need to finish the second palace of Persona 5 and I bought it day 1 xD
I'm still playing through the main game on normal. It's fun, but I don't want to play it again on NG+ or Ultra Hard.
Hopefully the new Trophies for NG+ and Ultra Hard aren't required for the Platinum trophy. If they are needed, then I won't even contemplate trying to get the Platinum.
Edit: The two new trophies are listed in their own section, so I'm guessing they're not needed for Platinum.
This is great I just beat it. Also figured out how to get that secret armor. Very hard to find the 2 power cells in mothers watch and this really high up platforming section. So I'm guessing I have to beat final mission again because I beat it before this patch?
Got it at launch but haven't played yet. Might be time!
Wonderful update and unlike a certain other open world game, it doesn't have the brass neck to charge for a hard mode.
@get2sammyb - Random thought but do you think the whole voice actors strike could keep Ashly Burch from voicing Aloy in the next game? I know she is doing the DLC but after that, I'm not sure how it works?
That would be awful...
@Splat I don't understand it. They shouldn't make it if they can't get her, though... Like, for reals!
@Bliquid Right? I got excited when I ran into the thunderjaws, thinking I had finally found a challenge, until I realized you can just shoot their disc launchers off and annihilate them. Might have to give ultra hard a look too.
@Splat It could depend on a publisher by publisher basis. If it becomes an issue, I think GG will carry on but what to do the voice acting much further into development.
i played through this again on another account and platinumed it twice already.. but may do a third run on NG+ as its 95% trophy completion is now taunting me. ultra hard will probably extremely tough though.. at least it only requires completing the main quests.
i like how HZD's patches are reasonably small thus far, this is around 290mb. diablo III started its 1.22 patch at the same time as HZD, and it's 12gb! and that's after 1.21 added all the necromancer support and was already 10gb+..
My question would be, can you play NG+ in a harder difficulty you haven't beaten yet? If not I would never touch that difficulty level, specially if it is not part of the platinum.
I am pretty sure that by the end of the year that green line will have a bit more content , maybe by then I will actually pay the $20
Since the update my health bar doesn't disappear when set to dynamic. After playing with a clean screen for 40+ hours, it's pretty brutal to have that sticking around all the time.
Awesome!! Now I've got a reason to play HZD for a third time Guerrilla Games has done such an outstanding post-released support. Nothing but love for that behaivor.
@sinalefa "maybe by then I will actually pay the $20"
Don't forget the 4 "hero" amiibo. Nintendo may actually make them playable characters, but only if you own the amiibo. Or something. Some day those amiibo have to serve some purpose other than rupees and parts. Not sure what I'll ever do in any game w/ my Cloud & Cereza but I need something for my birthday.
@RedMageLanakyn they patched that where the disc launchers still did damage but way less and def didn't annihilate thunder jaws not even close lol. They debuffed the damage and ammo count to where it still helped take them down but you def couldn't rely on them
@dark_knightmare2 That's on ultra hard? Good, I'll check it out then.
@crimsontadpoles I Platinumed it back in april but im one of those guys who doesnt like 98% on my trophy list so i may go back and replay it on ultra to get back 100% 😆
They just announced they are not playable, which disappointed me as I wanted to see something different for the DLC pack.
@sinalefa Yeah thanks, already commented on that over there. So it seems like 4 new amiibo that "Supercharge your gameplay" that won't actually do anything except give you rupees. What's the point?
Though this is Ntinedo, the company that said no DLC was planned for SSB4, so there's still hope.
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