We're happy to report that Fallout 4 fans can rest easy for now – well, kind of. Fallout 4: Far Harbor, the game's first "real" expansion, ran very poorly on PlayStation 4 when it released. The add-on's island location was covered in thick fog, and this effect, combined with detailed lighting techniques, resulted in a shockingly low framerate when traversing most of the island. In short, the expansion was, in our opinion, a chore to play because of the frame rate issues – something that we heavily criticised Far Harbor for in our review.
Last week, Bethesda rightfully announced that it was going to try and fix the framerate on Sony's console. At first, we thought that the fix would come via a standard game patch, but as it turns out, the developer actually ended up re-releasing the entire expansion. You can find details on how to re-download it by clicking through here.
After downloading it again and trying it out for several hours, we can confirm that the framerate issues have been vanquished. As far as we can tell, Far Harbor now runs no worse than the main game, which isn't perfect, but it's more than manageable. The near constant dips in framerate are no longer present, and as a result, exploring the island setting is far more enjoyable.
However, there's a catch. While we can't deny that Bethesda was reasonably timely in fixing the issue, which is appreciated, it has done so by actually removing most of the fog from Far Harbor. In other words, Bethesda's taken the very source of the framerate issues and has ripped it out almost entirely.
Below, we've embedded three screenshots that we've taken directly from our PS4.
The bottom line is that Bethesda has fixed Far Harbor's framerate problems on PS4, but it's seemingly made use of a very heavy-handed method, which has left us torn on the subject. While we're happy that ourselves and other Fallout 4 fans can now enjoy playing the expansion, the removal of the fog – aside from small pockets of it here and there – arguably takes away from the island's creepy atmosphere. Does the good outweigh the bad? That's ultimately for you to decide.
Far Harbor's been fixed on PS4, but it's come at a cost. Are you happy with Bethesda's decision to remove most of the island's fog? Run at a near smooth 30 frames-per-second into the comments section below.
Comments 41
One word, lazy.
Absolutely shocking! Surely they knew it wouldn't run anyway through testing? Then they go and re-release it again and remove one of the most vital points of the island!
I watched the Digital Foundry video about the performance of the before and after. The fog certainly isn't as dense but the most noticeable of course is the lack of 'ground' fog - the fog that creeps along the ground as seen in all horror movies. Just shows that for all the technical wizardry we see in character animations and great world building, fog is crippling to performance. Funny how games used 'Fog' to reduce draw distances to help games run but now its causing games to stutter....
Couldn't they have just added in an option to turn the fog heavy or light, on or off, something like that, for people who would prefer both the fog and bad frame rate, b/c they like fog more than a good frame rate? I'm always a fan of options. Its the first thing I check in every game I start.
@rjejr A fair point I suppose, an option would have been nice. That said, I'd like to think that the problem mustn't have been all that easy to fix if Bethesda's had to re-release the entire thing. Don't want to take any guesses on the technical side of things, but it's a strange situation in any case.
It's better that it isn't there and running well. But of course I don't understand why they couldn't just get it running well with the fog from the get go. But hey, fog or not, I didn't like the game anyway.
@ShogunRok The conspiracy nut inside me thinks they must have known, but they didn't want to delay it b/c dealing w/ MS on such things is a pain. Not saying MS paid them to screw it up on PS4, only that MS wanted it out the door once it was ready to go. I'm guessing if this were a PS4 exclusive things would have been better form the start. The price of multiplats. Though Witcher 3 hasn't had any problems I'm aware of.
Do you think RotTR will be better on PS4? They've had a whole year to improve it. Not much MS can do to that one now. I don't think they can muscle around Squenix. Bribe them yes, but not muscle them.
We've found a cure for your vison problem sir we are going to cut your eyes out!
And this is why I almost exclusively play multiplats on PC!
With the exception of the rare one that they totally bungle when porting to PC, of course COUGHARKHAMKNIGHTCOUGH
I, along with many others, were a part of the beta test for Far Harbor on PS4. I can tell you that myself and loads of other testers told Bethesda about these framerate issues in the beta forums longggg before launch.
They never even took the time to respond to the threads, let alone make adjustments. In fact, the vast majority of bugs and issues with FH during the beta were left unaddressed.
In other words... it's not a huge surprise they took easy street on this "fix".
This framerate issue though, was it just a problem for PS4 or for XB1 as well?
@Grawlog that's disappointing. Bloody Bethesda...
@Ralizah They screwed up Rage as well on pc. I remember feeling pretty burnt by that.
That's so lame!!! They are giving us less than what we paid for! It ran fine before for me. This is such a ripoff. Im pretty pissed ...
I played 6 hours of Far Harbour and i didnt experience anything game break and had very little slow down i guess i was lucky
To quote Ganon "Fog is POWER!!" .....power the ps4 doesn't have I guess.
I remember when Skyrim first came out on PS3. It was one of the most gorgeous games I'd played on the system. People were running into major frame rate issues, especially once their save files got to be over 10MB. So they released a patch that fixed some of the issues. It also made the entire game look like utter junk Texture resolutions went way down in quality, and while I still pumped hundreds of hours into it, it never had the same feel as it did when it launched.
So it appears we have a pattern.
@glassmusic Watch the language -Tasuki-
I said a million times, this game is a full disappointment, anyone defending is no better than a person who defends Actvision/EA way of dlc or Ubisoft bugs.
Pathetic, lame, not just the expansion, but the ancient engine, the washed rpg mechanics and the game itself, lazy and, at best, bad.
@AhabSpampurse It's bad on xbox as well with it sticking in the low 20's, so now the ps4 version has a significant advantage but no fog. I also read about many pc users having frame rate drops but they were so high to begin with it didn't really matter
I hate fog in video games, i hate the fog and ever changing weather in the Commonwealth locations, and i wish games came with a menue option to disable weather effecs. So i am very happy with less fog better frame rates or not. Later today i will play the new version of FH.
One question is why is xbone frame rates not as affected by the fog as the more powerfull PS4? Does the xbone version of FH lower to 900p for area of dense fog?
Easily fixed. Just play it on a PC. That's what I do.
@glassmusic i never brought fallout 4, because off how they treated ps3 users on skyrim. Once burnt.
That's ridiculous. That just makes all of Far Harbors citizens sound even crazier complaining about a fog that doesn't exist.
Overrated developer that always gets a free pass
@Frank90 funny, I think it's a fantastic game.
A Sony PlayStation is basically a proprietary little box that is a very limited PC. You guys can love at Bethesda, but you're basically trying to play on a PC game on a very limited piece of machinery. It's not their fault their game doesn't run well on a toy for children. Spend $500 more and buy a PC with better hardware. Sitch solved.
Language -Tasuki-
@Jadeus and then you can search the web, watch movies and TV, make video calls, and everything...a PC can do. Duh.
@Jadeus 8============o
@NoCode23 As far as I know, Far Harbour runs at 1080p on both consoles. It doesn't run perfectly (locked 30fps) on either console but the new, less fog version holds 30fps far better than the XB1 version does - with slight dips here and there. According to Digital Foundry tests, the XB1 version tends to stick between 25-30fps but will drop as low as 20-22 on occasion.
One of the factors could be that the Fog, in particular the dense ground fog, is more CPU based and the XB1 has a faster CPU - part of the reason that Hitman 'can' perform better in some situations too.
@Jadeus haha okay Guys shut down the website please, turns out we should all have PCs instead
Im doing exactly the same as you BUT when i click on to the my add ons i see my downloaded dlc but on Far Harbor it doesnt have the arror pointing down but some weird one with a "+" mark on it. I press it and it goes to the " Pre-Order Countdown screen" but there are no numbers? Help me please
@Jadeus wow did you just join a playstation based community to say PCs are better thats pretty sad guy
Ive said before ive had no issues with Fallout 4 at all except occasional slow down which for a bethesda game is truely remarkable, they do seem to get a free pass for some reason which i find very strange since playing oblivion on 360 (the first game of theres i remember playing) i wouldnt say any of theres have been truely groundbreaking like reviewers seem to say i enjoyed the Fallouts & ES games but i wouldnt say they deserve the universal praise and stuff like Evil Within & Wet were average at best
@Jadeus This doesn't have anything to do with that. pay attention.
@Frank90 I wholeheartedly agree. I can't believe I wasted money on the base game. Pass on the DLC.
Weird because I enjoyed the base game overall. Did it have a good story no matter which way you went? No not really but it wasn't a terrible story. Gameplay is way better than the previous Fallouts, atmosphere is overall good and the graphics while they apparently are extremely horrendous to some but to me are the best Bethesda has done. I'm a big Fallout fan and while 4 isn't perfect it's still good to me anyways and it seems to many others.
@AhabSpampurse Some developers are very weird when it comes to PC. At least FromSoft is improving.
@personauser93 Sold mine last week for a low price, not even for the money but for the sheer will of never see this game again on my bedroom.
Lol these DLC cards were accidentally marked "FREE" at my local BestBuy and my friend and I each got one. They adjusted the price since they rang up $25 and weren't supposed to be free (the manager said we can get them since we found it for the store), and then they took the tag down as we left
Kind of throwing out the baby with the bath water, huh? Now I'm mad I didn't wait to redownload it until after I'd tried the old version. But oh well...?
Better woking rather than foggy i guess.i found that when i re-downloaded it all the main part of the game was very stuttery until i deleted most of my old saves.hmm..i'm yet to try FH either before or after the re-install,love weather in games but not to botherd about fog though.
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