"Be honest: what do you think?"

Want to know the one big problem with virtual reality? We can't accurately show it to you. That's not a slight against our miniscule budget or non-existent team – it's a problem that every publication across the web will be having. Y'see, the problem with products like Project Morpheus is that you need to try them to understand them.

So, while we're going to post this video of a girl grinning like crazy while inspecting The Toybox, or a guy getting a little too engrossed in a gun fight in London Heist, it's going to look rough, unfinished, and clunky to you. Studio London's first-person firefight in particular seems to suffer from all of the problems that faced the PlayStation Move: imprecise hand-tracking, a need for 'optimal' room conditions, and more.

And yet, neither of the people being recorded look frustrated in any way. In fact, among expletives, the man points out that the London Heist demo is "awesome". We hope to bring you some eyes-on impressions soon, because, like you, we're still very much on the fence. The recent establishment of a new first-party studio dedicated to the device suggests that Sony, on the other hand, is a believer.

[source youtube.com]