The Last of Us was not only a critical smash, but it was also a gigantic commercial success for Sony, moving over seven million copies on the PlayStation 3 alone. Naughty Dog was probably always going to have to build some form of sequel, then – and if the Linked In profile of one soon-to-be very sheepish ex-employee is to be believed, it’s already in production.
Michael Knowland left the Californian company in April, having moved to New York to work on Just Cause 3. However, in addition to acting as the lead character artist on The Last of Us and Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, it seems that he spent a month or so prototyping head sculpts for The Last of Us 2. If accurate, that means that the title’s been in development for at least nine months now.
Of course, it’s hardly surprising, as we’ve known for a while that the studio has a second, secret project in the works. Fellow lead character artist Frank Tzeng’s resume mentions an “unannounced AAA game” is in production at Naughty Dog – and co-president Evan Wells admitted that the developer’s prototyping other titles earlier in the year.
“We definitely have another project on the scale of Uncharted in very early pre-production stages,” the executive told Game Informer in June. “We have the sizeable team that it takes to get something like that off of the ground, but it's got a long runway in front of it. We have a lot of great ideas, and some stuff that is already getting everybody jazzed and excited.”
The question, then, is: what direction will The Last of Us 2 take? Opinion is split on whether the studio should continue the story of Joel and Ellie, or drop a new set of characters into the same harrowing universe. Either way, we suspect that it will be a while before we see this; with Uncharted 4 due out next Christmas, the studio will want to ensure that all eyes are on that before launch.
[source linkedin.com, via linkedin.com, neogaf.com]
Comments 33
Sweet. I can only imagine how good this would look on PS4.
Now... How about that new Jak game, ND?
So happy right now
Not surprising, but definitely welcome. I still haven't played Last of Us, but I reeeeaalllyyy want to.
Not really surprised, but dissapointed. Another Last of Us really isn't what I want to see from them.
This News is the biggest shocking News of 2014 Who would of thought ND would be making TLoU2? I am SHOCKED
@DerMeister You must drop everything and play it immediately.
I'd prefer a new IP honestly. ND already has Uncharted as their blockbuster franchise. this other team should responsible to make some fresh idea.
It's logical. The last if us should move on to new characters though. Or if we stick with the same characters, Joel should be older and Ellie a grown woman and kind of play off the drake/sully dynamic. IMO.
It's to bad they couldn't make a new crash bandicoot, I found last of us disappointing aside from the very well made environments.
Didn't they already confirm they were "brainstorming ideas" earlier this year?Any doubt as to their being at least 2 more games seems ridiculous. I'm hoping the next will be a few years after the last, Ellie maybe around 17-18 & here with a price on her head.
@Swiket My thoughts exactly
I am sure whatever they make it will be awesome. I cannot recall ever playing a Naughty Dog game and feeling unimpressed. I'm hoping next weeks North America holiday sale includes a discounted the last of us remastered edition. I played through on PS3 but missed the DLC and wouldn't mind seeing what is looks like on ps4.
Yup, I always feel ND's best work is when it gets a chance to do something new. That said, I'm sure The Last of Us 2 will be spectacular.
I was hoping they would go back to Jak and Daxtar sometime.
I hate how the big three barley does any 3D platformers these days.
After the first Jak and Daxter the series wasn't really about platforming anymore though.
True, but I'd like to see a return to form, for the more lighthearted character platform/adventure games in 3D. Its why i'm hoping the rumors of Rare bringing back Banjo and Battletoads are true.
Hell I'd like a Knack 2 at this point.
If Naughty Dog is going to go back in time I'd like to see them get their hands on Crash Bandicoot considering it technically is their franchise. Unfortunately, Sony probably doesn't have the money to swing a deal to get it back.
Acti isn't as desperate as Capcom (for the record I think the street fighter deal is stupid for both Capcom and Sony), but if we did see crash come back it would either be apart of the Skylanders brand (the franchise needs a new must buy expansion especially with Star wars being next years flavor of Infinity), or more reasonable were going to see a smaller downloable crash game released under the seria imprint.
I love Street Fighter but I wish if Sony was going to make this kind of deal that it had been for a new Crash. I don't expect we'll ever see that series again though. Maybe as part of Skylanders like you said, but even that I'm not sure about. Activision just doesn't seem to want to do anything with it even if it could still be a popular franchise if Activision wanted it to be.
@get2sammyb I'm actually kinda waiting for a PS4 before I play it, so I can truly be blown away by it. I'll even lean way back in my chair for full effect. The wait will suck, but I willing to do so.
@whywai88 It's always nice to see something new, but with Naughty Dog their franchises kinda have a pattern. The games they make usually get 2-3 more games plus an extra (ex. Daxter, Uncharted Golden Abyss), so I'm expecting at least a Last of Us 3 before ND retires the series. As for Uncharted being their blockbuster, as true as that is, A Thief's End looks like it'll be the last game in the series, so Last of Us looks like it'll take Uncharted's place for the time being.
My main problem is that fighting games don't typically do well enough even with a big series like street fighter to make it exclusive no matter if the PS4 has a large install base. The only fighter that do those numbers these days are smash and the Netherrealm fighting games. On the Sony side of things, with a limited budget and a parent company on the ropes I'd rather they invest in new IP or if they need game bring back way of the warrior. Plus I don't see Sony putting as much weight behind street fighter or the FGC the way Microsoft has for KI and Halo.
@Kage_88 I'd like to see another Jak game too, I loved playing Jak 1-3 as a teenager.
@DerMeister Same here, though that's because I'm still waiting for The Last of Us PS3 version to permadrop down to $30 New (after shipping) on Amazon.
I must be the only person on the planet who thinks a second one is a bad idea! The first wad a brilliant game but a second one would ruin it
I would like ND to maybe move the setting out of North America. Either divorce the game from Joel and Ellie, or have Ellie leave after Joel admits on his death bed what he has done. She could go south of the boarder, or catch a boat to Europe or Aus.
Shame I like it when ND do something new.
Maybe after the uncharted team is done, ND can work on savage starlight. I'd like to see ND tackle a sci-fi action game. Uncharted in space, perhaps?
@shingi_70 If anything Sony getting SFV means it'll probably sell better then it might have done were it multiplatform, other Sony divisions are struggling but they don't effect SCE so they will back the game heavily with AD's and bundles, fightsticks etc which it wouldn't have got were it multiplatform.
@wagleton I've always felt the sequel should see Ellie in her early 20's, I think Canada would be a good setting.
@joseth418 yeah I definitely remember them saying something about that. To be honest, with how much of a critical and commercial success TLOU was, it would be Insane to not expect some sort of sequel/spin off.
@adf86 Canada could be too much like the first and after consideration South America could be too much like Uncharted. Britain or Australia would be an awesome setting and it would make sense in the TLOU universe to be on an island... oo Ireland!?
Like The Last of Us?
I feel like it's too early to talk about this. Game is still really fresh and should be a yearly release kinda thing, not even bi-yearly if you ask me.
Don't care I want TLOU 2 with Joel and Ellie.
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