Push Square's E3 2013 PlayStation Game of the Show 3

Now that the sun has set on E3 2013, we figured that it would be fun to grill you on your game of the show. Embedded below you’ll find a shortlist of 20 of the biggest PS4, PS3, and Vita titles present at this year’s convention. These may not have all been playable on the showfloor, but they all contributed to the event in some way, be it via a trailer, press conference cameo, or booth demo.

You get one vote, so choose wisely. Will you plump up for the promise of The Order: 1886, or the outrageous visuals of inFAMOUS: Second Son? Perhaps you’re more stunned by what Quantic Dream’s achieving on current generation hardware with Beyond: Two Souls, or maybe Tearaway’s tickled your fancy? Peruse the list, grab a drink, and have a think – then register your vote for Push Square’s E3 2013 PlayStation Game of the Show.

The title with the most votes on Monday, 17th June at 16:00PM BST will be selected as our winner. In the event of a tie, the Push Square team will hold a private poll to decide on an overall victor.

Voting has now closed for the Game of the Show. Thanks for taking part.