Currently listening to Test Match Special (Cricket) Podcast done by the BBC. @Thrillho do you ever listen?
I find their coverage of games to be quite good.
Edit: Following-it up with This Jungian Life (Psychology) Podcast.
@BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN Been in a very busy stretch again for the last bit so I can at least say that they’re going 😄 We’re coming up on the early bird submission deadline for TIFF so we’ve been flat out on finishing that project up.
How about yourself?
“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis
@Jimmer-jammer A busy stretch at work you mean? I find it commendable that you can still make time to pursue your musical and cinematic adventures. Hopefully you and your filmmaking partner can get it in in time!
I've got my eye on a book on musical theory for jazz guitar that relates to a particular tuning I use, apparently it is filled with copious amounts of jazz knowledge for both amateurs and professionals alike, so I plan and hunkering down with that for a while and just perfecting my skills within the medium as a hobby. Not planning on doing any more recordings right now, thought I'd do what I'm sure a lot of people would have liked Metallica to do and stop after the first four records! 😉
Also starting to read more about art, I posted link to an article in The Art Thread on here recently, if you're interested. And I'm doing that instead of hunting for new jazz guitarists and emcees on spotify, we had this conversation recently, I believe, about how as you get older you seek out less new music, because in a sense, you're already "full" or "almost full-up" on the music you consumed at an early stage in life or altogether up to this point, I remember you saying you're still quite immersed in the music of the scene you grew up with, to a certain extent, for example. So I'm feeling like I'm seeking out new territory in the form of the art research I do, and letting the musical discoveries I have made settle down in another aspect of my being, like nuts for the winter!
i.e still listening to and enjoying my old artists, but not going out of my way, in particular, to discover new ones.
"That which is perfect is finished. The perfect man is no different." - Madvillain.
Edit: I've also finalised my list of games for the next two and a half years, over on the PS4 Backloggery and Most Wanted Thread, after completing as many of those as I can in that time I'll just relax with films, books, guitar ,music and cricket as my main pastimes outside of voluntary or paid work. At which point, if I'm still allowed to be on here minus gaming, I'll just be posting in the relevant threads that correspond to the aforementioned hobbies and interests. Sorry to give you such a gregarious helping of details on my life's plan in terms of extracurricular activities for the time being, but I just felt I would share my thoughts on here, not using any other form of social media properly.
Edit II: Also been listening to a lot of this guy recently, trying to emulate his style, this is his latest album.
@BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN Sounds like you’ve got a good plan that I’m sure won’t change at all 😉
I’ve been on a history kick for a number of years now and I’ve realized how much art informs our understanding of history more than anything; I’d argue more than economics even. I hope the endeavour is rewarding for you!
Work has been acutely crazy (looming tariffs yada yada) but I was specifically referring to my creative pursuits. As such a small crew, and with busy lives, it takes us a while to complete projects at the level of quality we try to achieve, and often moves in spurts. We just keep at it, as anyone should when it comes to such things 😄
“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis
Further to my conversation with Jimmer-jammer, I had a moment of realization that I had been listening to such a huge amount of music for so long because I had been "searching" for some kind of musical answer, something that would resolve other issues in my life, I realised now that I was "full up" on music and couldn't take in any new artists/albums and must have already discovered the answer somewhere along the way, and if not, I could always look elsewhere, or resolve those issues in a healthier way, by dealing with them in and of themselves.
Edit: I am quite content at this present stage with my pantheon of musical artists, and ,at this stage, only plan to listen to new albums by them, rather than those by new (to me) artists. In short, I don't feel the need to add any new artists to my Spotify library.
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