Yeah, it’s just a rotating game of the month that we choose to play together so that it promotes more discussion of the game.
I agree that there seems to be a few times where there’s almost no choice but to kill someone to get past them. But even there, it nice to usually have options on how to kill them — by rats or by a projectile to the skull. 😅
I have also had a few times where I just stun the enemy with an attack or some of the white powder and then run past them to the next hiding spot. Still, I wonder if it’s possible to do a true “no kills” run. I don’t think so.
I believe I made it to the final chapter.
Gotta say I like how this game plays with expectations regarding the story, managing to avoid cliches a lot of the time.
Anyway, should finish the game tonight. I will look at the trophy list afterwards but I don't really expect myself to be going for the plat in this one (I didn't in the first game).
@Voltan You’ve made good progress it seems. Glad to hear the story has been unique. The direction of the story (the ending in particular) was one of my least favorite aspects of the first game.
The first game’s platinum wasn’t too bad, and could be done in one run. But this game apparently requires two playthroughs, or at least a partial second playthrough. I’ll probably skip the platinum too, but we’ll see.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
As an aside, I wonder what people think of the photo mode. I’ve been messing around with it and for some reason my shots come out less clear than they look during actual gameplay. It’s like the fidelity gets downgraded. And it is strange the way you can press the X/cross button (I think that’s the button) while in photo mode and it takes the picture but it doesn’t process it through the PS5’s normal screenshot sequence. There’s not the classic ‘click’ picture capture sound with a pop up message from the UI indicating a photo was taken. I wasn’t even sure it was working until I went into my capture library on the PS5 and saw indeed the photos are being saved there. I haven’t played another game like this in recent memory that does it this way and I’m wondering if the game processing the photo itself is affecting the quality.
@Th3solution Thing is, even if it's achievable in one playthrough, a lot of it seems missable so I'd need to be playing with a guide from the start, which is not how I wanna play games. I'm definitely not up for replaying the whole thing so I'm gonna see how much can be done with chapter select etc, and decide based on that. Seems unlikely.
I've finished Requiem aka Run Amicia Run, well first playthrough at least.
Really enjoyed it, the set pieces and the scope are vastly improved over the first instalment.
Enjoyed the story for the most part and the characters are all well developed, even Hugo was far less annoying than in the first game. Most of the Boss fights were less annoying as well but there were a couple late game fights which dragged.
At the end of the game I had missed a couple of collectibles and a couple of secret chests so I nabbed them via chapter select which also included encounter select so this was a fairly quick job.
I will be going for the platinum which requires (most of) NG+ playthrough and there isn't NG++.
Also finished with stealth tree maxed so now it is just a killing spree.
Be interesting to see where the developers go from here and I'm quite surprised that MS haven't nabbed this studio.
Highly recommended 8.5/10. Trophy difficulty 3/10 although I haven't finished this part quite yet.
Also finished the game right now.
Looked at the trophy list and it doesn't look too bad - I could probably do everything other than fully upgrading anything this weekend using chapter select.
The one thing I'm slightly annoyed at is that I'm pretty sure I found every "secret chest" but didn't always have a knife to open them.
Fully upgrading skills and equipment requires NG+ so that's for another time, probably.
@Voltan I'm whipping through NG+ pretty quickly but it is very much a one and done type of game.
As for the knives that is an aspect that I didn't feel was implemented well, I'm all for having to find keys etc.. but finding a knife and then possibly wasting it on an enemy seemed a poor system, in fact I restarted a checkpoint for a couple of times when I accidentally used a knife.
Also didn't think the enemy engagement system (stealth, aggressive and the other one) was implemented well and any trophy hunters would be wise to read a trophy guide for those three related trophies. It is a shame as I do like that sort of system (as used in other games like Splinter Cell Blacklist and Dishonoured) but in this game it was implemented poorly imo, perhaps more of an afterthought to ensure NG+ was required.
On into Chapter 9 now. I wish I would have had more time this weekend but alas, it can’t be helped.
I was gutted to see a falling out with Arnaud as I was really starting to like h the interactions he has with Hugo and Amicia. And he’s definitely very OP during combat sections. I’m still in the middle of the chapter so maybe they’ll make amends with him at the end. I just don’t know who to trust now
I am a bit lost here in this large open area. Not sure where I’m supposed to go to advance the story. 😅
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Now I generally avoid stealth games, I especially dislike stealth sections in other games. I'm not good at them, get frustrated after I fail a section then try to rush back to where I was before and usually fail again... That being said I did enjoy A Plague Tale: Innocence when I played it some years back. After the first few levels I felt the gameplay opened up and I liked his I was able to tackle sections in different ways rather than just being sneaky - like dissolving the helmets with acid before finishing off enemies with a well placed rock to the noggin.
Anyhow, I'm currently between things and it's still game of the month so I maybe able to complete Requiem in the next week. I'm just about to go the end of chapter 2 I think
done the lift bit now sneaking past a bunch of enemies and rats to find Vaudin in the tower
It's nice to catch up with the crew again and it certainly looks pretty enough. Was quite impressed with how tense it feels so early in the game. And so far I've only died and had to restart sections around 20 times! I imagine I will do so hundreds of times throughout the full thing, so much so that I was already considering putting the level down to baby mode or whatever it's called... Did everybody else manage on normal skill level?
@Voltan Thanks, I lost track of the birds whilst wandering around. I’m back on track now.
Still making slow progress through Ch 9 due to limited time. I should be able to make some better headway this weekend, hopefully. Getting the game complete by the end of month is the goal. Regardless, I continue to really, really enjoy the game. It’s very much akin to a Sony first party game. It has most all the elements that I love about Sony first party — third person, visually beautiful set pieces, action/stealth gameplay in the background of an entertaining character driven narrative. It’s not quite on the level of Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, or Insomniac output, but it’s a great stopgap until they get up to speed again with a new IP of this kind of game.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@sorteddan I’m playing in baby mode myself. 🍼 😂 and it hasn’t been very difficult. I mainly wanted to be able to experience the story and not have obstacles to trophy hunting as I’m trying to get all the collectibles if possible this run and one of the biggest differences with the lower difficulty is that it gives you so many more chests, supplies, and the ever important knives.
But playing on easy hasn’t limited my enjoyment, I don’t think. I’ve died like 15-20 times maybe, and I’m in Chapter 9.
It’s been really a joy to have more options for how to approach conflict, compared to the first game. You’ve not come across a lot of the new tools and methods at your disposal yet, but it is really a better array of techniques than before. The balancing of some combat/stealth/alchemical strategies aren’t balanced very well and some are really overpowered and make some sections really easy. ( But maybe it’s because I’m playing on “easy”) Regardless, I’ve enjoyed experimenting around with different styles. I’ve leveled up stealth and aggression to about half, and the alchemical one to about one-fourth. Hoping yo max out at least one of them by game’s end.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@sorteddan I played on easy mode although I find with most stealth games that difficulty is less important, having said that, in NG+ it switches to hard mode, you cannot change it and enemies spot you in an instant so I recommend trying to get most trophies (especially the stealth one) in NG. There is chapter select post game so you can still get most trophies that way (not the kill based ones though).
Thanks guys. Good to know I won't be the only one if (when) I decide to lower the difficulty then 👍
Got past that part with a couple more well aimed rocks to the back of guards heads - I do enjoy that sling! So in the tower it looks like I have to solve some kind of puzzle to progress... And then Lucas tells me explicitly how to do it (which symbol needs to be in each place) I felt a bit of disappointment about that, I mean at least let me fail a couple of times before spoon-feeding me the solution.
Oh well, two chapters in and should have time to be able to make some more progress tomorrow.
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
@sorteddan Yeah; the NPC hint giving threshold is really low and they’ll give away the solutions fairly quickly. 😅
Otherwise the NPC dialogue has been great so far. The back-and-forth is at times cute and warm, or at times witty and funny. However, I have found that sometimes a character’s dialogue will trigger at the wrong time. Like for example when you walk to a certain point it triggers your companion to say something about the environment or your situation, but you already completed the task they mention or have passed by the item or talking point it refers to. It’s only mildly distracting, but just betrays the game’s AA roots as these little things make it seem not quite where it needs to be.
Well I survived chapters 3 and 4 - still playing on the normal skill setting and surprisingly have managed to get through a few encounters completely stealthily. The prudence bar is currently further along than the opportunism one. Though have died/restarted checkpoints a fair number of times but I'm coming to accept this as part of the process.
Enjoyed the spectacular rat destruction of the town and ensuing chase sequence, though the flipping between running towards and then away from the screen was a bit disorienting. Also glad to see Vaudin cleaned out by a piece of falling house at the end of it as he seemed like a bit of a knob.
Currently trying to fully upgrade the instruments as not having to find the tools to upgrade stuff seems like the best option for the long run even though not upgrading anything else might make it more tricky early on.
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
@sorteddan I went for the instruments upgrade first with similar logic. It turns out that the game gives you quite a lot of tools anyways, and the benefit of recycling them is only for +1 supplies, but the other upgrades aren’t any more critical. So it’s probably still beneficial to do the tool path first since you accumulate more supplies that way during the course of the game.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Chapter 5: Boats & bolts & burning bridges (hmmm wonder if that's a metaphor for something?)
Chapter 6: Christian camps & canyons.
Oh how I did laugh when Hugo became king rat and I got to gnaw on a room full of soldiers.
Chapter 7: Not quite done with this one yet but think I'm close to the end. I found some of the sneaking really difficult in this stage and ended up having to wipe out more enemies than I'd hoped to. Still doing surprisingly well on the prudence progress bar though!
I have been pleased with how generous the checkpointing is, my ineptitude rarely sets me back too far. And some of my sneaking stealth is just cartoon comical. When I've got Amicia, Hugo and Arnaud all on tiptoes following within a couple of feet behind the oblivious guard on his patrol route it kinda reminds me of Tom & Jerry or Scooby Doo or something 😂
One feature that I'm missing is a death counter, I'd genuinely be interested to see how many times each level I have met my demise, like the one in Celeste. It's probably in the hundreds by now.
Topic: PUSH SQUARE GAME CLUB | Jan | 🪴 The Gardens Between 🪴
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