
Topic: PS4 launch, weak lineup?

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Im pulling this discussion here as it started on the front page about the news of DriveClub probably missing it's day 1 launch. It's not even confirmed yet but people seem to flip out and call it all crap and thunderstorm from now on. I mean is it fair? If I look at the launch day and launch window lineup ( … nch_Titles) I see plenty of games to play for me, probably Killzone Shadowfall alone will carry me easily into 2014, from there on Ill happily play WarThunder and Planetside2 as I enjoyed them on my PC as well and can't wait to play them console optimized with dthe dualshock 4.

Sure, if you were going to get DriveClub and WatchDogs only, you seem to be effed, but its a next gen console launch, weren't things like that to be expected? Look at Nintendo, they had a horrible launch, now they lose WatchDogs and with it one of the VERY rare third party titles AGAIN for the christmas business. And you know what? Who cares, the people that wanted a Wii U already got one and enjoy it. Same with PS4, either you want one or not but I can't imagine there are (but I know there are) people that get swayed over to X1 as their console just for the launch games. I mean, to me, thats ridiculous.

You'll have other (not better) games to play at launch and I am sure a whole host of your own problems with the cloud, kinect, synching, etc... for the first few days and then you're stuck with that one console? Nah thats not for me. I preordered my PS4 on purpose that it might arrive not on launch day but somewhere between launch day and christmas, OR even 2014. I don't mind because I still got plenty to play on my PS3 and seriously, things like that have to be expected.

Brighten up, in the end its maybe even better to have more games down the line after the launch when the first little software draught sets in than the other way round.

As a side note: Being vocal and negative about PS4 getting indies? It's not like those indies replace anything, they are just more games to choose from and complaining about more games is really dumb in my book.

Share your thoughts.

EDIT: Here is the XboxOne lineup: … nch_Titles
How could ANYONE think thats better? Because of DeadRising? Lol. And after launch? Desert! Anyways to each and everyone their own.

[Edited by Scollurio]

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | X:


Nobody said they were switching sides. You jumped to conclusions because you've got Sony-shaded sunglasses on at the moment. In its first year Xbox One has Dead Rising, Forza 5, Ryse, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Halo and Titanfall in addition to all the major third party multiplat games that come out. That's a terrific lineup, only a hater suggests otherwise. PS4? inFamous looks awesome, The Order and Drive Club have potential to be. I'm more of a PlayStation guy myself but I call things the way I seem them, and PS4's year one pales in comparison to X1. As far as the indies, of course it's nice to have more games but the focus on them and utter lack of 'blockbusters' is not a good thing. I don't buy expensive home consoles for indie games alone and Sony doesn't seem to get that. I'm happy for these smaller devs that somebody is giving them a bit of a spotlight, but I care far, far more about what Naughty Dog, Santa Monica and Japan Studio have for PS4.

[Edited by Gamer83]



Didnt you say that at some point you're almost wishing you'd gone with X1 because of the launch lineup? I don't wear any sunglasses as I got my PC, XBOX360, 3DS and Vita comfortable sitting next to each other, it is just that I "burned out" of what MS is doing as I was an "xboxer" the past 6 years or so. Dead Rising is of absolutely no interest to me (personally, of course its all opinions), Forza 5 got casual more and more after Forza 2 - I'm done with it, Ryse is awful QTE game, Quantum Break might have potential but I don't know enough about it yet, Sunset Overdrive is definitely not my kind of game being that hipster flashy lights and all. Halo bored out after the last 2 games for me and Titanfall... why would I want Titanfall over Battlefield oder Killzone?

Again, its all my personal views, and my comment here and on the front page was going because I got the impression you (or someone else) regrets getting their PS4 preordered because of 2 games not making it in timely manner for launch and if this alone is the reason to switch to XBOXONE it makes me wonder. I'd never ever miss out on the exclusives on PS just over a few missed launch dates.

And about that, Xbox One isn't even launching in all the territories they planned, many TV-centric features won't even work in europe and Kinect cannot recognize ever local accent out of the box yet, there are so many ifs and whens, as it is normal for any console launch. I just suggested not to break a sweat over it really.


I just now read the rest of your replies on the front page. Let me make clear that I definitely didn't want to step on your toes in the way you might have perceived it. If you felt personally attacked I'm sorry as it wasn't my intent to do that.

Why I just "boil up" a bit with that subject is that I was with MS for way too long. I've been through 3 consoles (RROD) and I can tell you being on XBOX live was far from smooth sailing either, we had YEARS of dull games, which might even gave the PS3 a chance to catch up sales-wise. I, for my part, love gaming and I also own several different consoles at the same time, but I prefer being on one side only. Mostly for monetary reasons. After 6 years of MS and XBOX I'm ready for Sony. I DO think they learned their lesson and saying its Sonys fault and its concious false advertising promoting those 2 games that much is maybe a bit far. I'd rather be pissed at the devs. IF at all. But as I said, I don't care really. I don't need the PS4 on launch day, I don't need ANY of their games ASAP, I even didn't get GTA immediately when it came out (I wrestled through the GTA online launch from day 1 though), I just mean that those 2 games not making it for launch is absolutely nothing devastating. It's not like a major feature of the console itself was left out or something.

[Edited by Scollurio]

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | X:


I get where you're coming from but to me, two highly advertised games getting delayed a month before launch is very bad. All things considered if I had known in June what I know today which is MS backing off its idiotic drm policies and Sony doing a piss poor job with its PS4 lineup going into the Nov. 15 launch, I'd have pre-ordered X1 no quetions asked, I'd be lying if I said otherwise. But it's not just day one, year one for X1 seems stronger. I'm a huge fan of both brands though and am fully aware what Sony's first parties can deliver, I just hope we're not waiting until three years down the line for things to get good

[Edited by Gamer83]



To tell the truth yeah its pretty weak compared to Xbox One, with Xbox One getting Dead Rising 3 on launch and Titanfall on launch window.
Believe it or not if it weren't for Microsoft back on the Xbox One announcement Sony would be in danger.
I'm planning to get a PS4 later this year it isn't for almost any games on this lineup, its just for the future games coming up like Infamous Second Son and other Sony's exclusives.

PSN: Epic-ZX

PSN: Epic-ZX


I think that people are mad, thinking that Dead Rising 3 are AAA game. Crazy world, eh... And now without Keiji Inafune. How can it be AAA? HOW????



Im getting a ps4 until the start on 2014. But even if i got it at launch id only be getting Shadowfall, Knack, BF4 and all dem free to play games. Not into racing games at all so Driveclubs *rumored* delay wont bother me. And watch dogs was startin to look real boring, real fast.

PSN: Super-Silverback

PSN: Super-Silverback


Im getting a ps4 until the start on 2014. But even if i got it at launch id only be getting Shadowfall, Knack, BF4 and all dem free to play games. Not into racing games at all so Driveclubs *rumored* delay wont bother me. And watch dogs was startin to look real boring, real fast.

I'm with you on this!

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | X:


Still, I personally don't see the "weak" in PS4 launch lineup, and things like Forza 5 and Titanfall still have to deliver on their promises. Cloud based racing AI? Pff... I can't imagine it being any good considering that Forza's AI always was piss poor since the second game in the series.

Dead Rising, I really don't get those kind of games, but hey if YOU personally enjoy it, more power to you! This whole industry is about gaming and making you feel good and entertained in your sparetime. I really don't get the platform wars but alas, there are so many things I "don't get"...

lol sorry, it was an easy one, but someone had to go for it!

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | X:


Still, I personally don't see the "weak" in PS4 launch lineup, and things like Forza 5 and Titanfall still have to deliver on their promises. Cloud based racing AI? Pff... I can't imagine it being any good considering that Forza's AI always was piss poor since the second game in the series.

Dead Rising, I really don't get those kind of games, but hey if YOU personally enjoy it, more power to you! This whole industry is about gaming and making you feel good and entertained in your sparetime. I really don't get the platform wars but alas, there are so many things I "don't get"...

lol sorry, it was an easy one, but someone had to go for it!

It really depends on what context you're using the word in. Compared to other systems, including Wii U and some of my all-time favorites in PS3, N64 and the original Wii, I think PS4's year one is actually pretty damn good. But up against its direct competitor the Xbox One? It is 'weak.' Now of course, Sony holds some trump cards because it has Naughty Dog and Bend who haven't announced anything, and it's not totally out of the question that Insomniac would work with Sony again on an exclusive. So its entirely possible that 4-6 months from now PS4's 2014 has vastly improved, but that's all just based on speculation and ifs. You have to look at what's official and from what's know right now, by the end of 2014 X1 is shockingly on pace to have the best library of the 3 next-gen consoles. I say shockingly because Nintendo had a whole year to distance itself and instead decided to do nothing. Had DK and Mario Kart been able to sneak into this year, it'd be a different story.

[Edited by Gamer83]



Still, I personally don't see the "weak" in PS4 launch lineup, and things like Forza 5 and Titanfall still have to deliver on their promises. Cloud based racing AI? Pff... I can't imagine it being any good considering that Forza's AI always was piss poor since the second game in the series.

Dead Rising, I really don't get those kind of games, but hey if YOU personally enjoy it, more power to you! This whole industry is about gaming and making you feel good and entertained in your sparetime. I really don't get the platform wars but alas, there are so many things I "don't get"...

lol sorry, it was an easy one, but someone had to go for it!

It really depends on what context you're using the word in. Compared to other systems, including Wii U and some of my all-time favorites in PS3, N64 and the original Wii, I think PS4's year one is actually pretty damn good. But up against its direct competitor the Xbox One? It is 'weak.' Now of course, Sony holds some trump cards because it has Naughty Dog and Bend who haven't announced anything, and it's not totally out of the question that Insomniac would work with Sony again on an exclusive. So its entirely possible that 4-6 months from now PS4's 2014 has vastly improved, but that's all just based on speculation and ifs. You have to look at what's official and from what's know right now, by the end of 2014 X1 is shockingly on pace to have the best library of the 3 next-gen consoles. I say shockingly because Nintendo had a whole year to distance itself and instead decided to do nothing. Had DK and Mario Kart been able to sneak into this year, it'd be a different story.

I can't see how XB1 line-up is better than PS4. Do you really think that Halo will be available in 2014? I'm not sure about that. Killzone, Infamous, Order, Drive Club, Deep Dawn and Knack + The Witness and Rime. How is this worse than Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5 and Ryse with Titanfall. And we know only about first half of 2014 realeases on PS4.

Also, I think that Bend works on new PSV game.



I can't see how XB1 line-up is better than PS4. Do you really think that Halo will be available in 2014? I'm not sure about that. Killzone, Infamous, Order, Drive Club, Deep Dawn and Knack + The Witness and Rime. How is this worse than Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5 and Ryse with Titanfall. And we know only about first half of 2014 realeases on PS4.

Also, I think that Bend works on new PSV game.

Well, again I guess it comes down to what you're looking for personally. I know for myself and among my group of friends Knack hasn't impressed any of us since it was first shown. Deep Down is free-to-play so the jury is very much out on that, throw the modern day Capcom into the mix and yeah, I'm not getting my hopes up. I've given up on Drive Club, Evolution has had more than enough time to get that ready for launch and failed miserably, it's clearly not the studio it was in the early PS3 days so I'm going to write that one off. The Witness and Rime certainly should be good games, but agian, indie titles, I know it bothers a lot of people here, but I'm not a lover of indie games, I do enjoy plenty of them but I'll take AAA productions like Naughty Dog's games, Sunset Overdrive or Quantum Break any day over indies. That leaves Killzone, inFamous and The Order. Now Sony could definitely flesh this out but nothing is announced yet, throw MLB 14 The Show into the mix and a Naughty Dog game and things get better. I'd love Syphon Filter for PS4 but you're probably right about Bend, Sony needs it making Vita games. Anyway, it's just my opinion, certainly not saying you have to agree with it, but for the kinds of games I like, MS' offering is better right now. What pushes me over to PS4 though is the price difference, the fact that PS4 has better hardware and most importantly Sony's stable of first party developers. There's no doubt when those dev teams move onto PS4 things are going to get really, really f'ing awesome, I just hope they make the jump much quicker than they did from PS2 to PS3.

[Edited by Gamer83]



The Witness and Rime are AAA indies =))I'll take them over Ryse any time. I'm not a big fan of indies, too. But AAA indies =))

Not sure about Evolution, because I have no idea about how long game was in development and overall development process. But I like Drive Club, because there is no Ridge Racer anymore(normal Ridge Racer). And Drive Club looks like good alternative.

F2P model was bad at the start, but developers learn their lessons. Read internet and all. So F2P = bad is bad stereotype. Also, I'm not sure about Titanfall because it is multiplayer only game. And it should be F2P or cost 20$ at most =))

Also, Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break, what are those? Are they even real? And Dead Rising 3 LOL... Funny how B-game have become AAA. I don't know maybe it will be good, but now it looks very boring after 15 minutes of playing.

So that leaves Ryse and Forza 5. Good day to you, good sir =).



It's official driveclub delayed... See PlayStation blog.. Naz*'s

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


It's official driveclub delayed... See PlayStation blog.. Naz*'s

I am going to cry =(



Im defending this company every time but now im mad. I love sony but they have to punisch evolution for this. The developers had known they would not finish before the deadline. Guerilla i salut you. Dutch craftmanship

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


Seriously I guess it really comes down to personal taste, for me the XBOX has noting remotely interesting really, and as some of you already stated no one really knows how good Forza, Ryse and Killer Instinct for example really will be. Also thats true for most of Sony's titles. Guess we will have to wait and see but for anyone who's world is breaking down because of the delay of 2 games for PS4, heck you need to go out and get some sun! Not meant in a bad way really.

Im absolutely 100% sure since MS has botched up pretty much everything from announcement to production to providing stock to advertising to the right crowd etc... since the Xone was announced, they will also have a major F-up the first few weeks in. And also PS4 will have its hiccups. Brace for that people and don't be disappointed.

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | X:


I think Drive Club was delayed for two reasons... 1. It's sh*t just like Watch_Dogs, 2. Sony knows GT6 will take sales from it. The idiotic part of all this? GT 6, which will surely be great, should've been a PS4 day one game. Any horrible job byEvolution, hate to say it but the studio deserves to be shuttered after this debacle. And horrible job by Sony. Just delay Killzone while you're at it and replace it with another damn indie. This is beyond infuriating.



I think Drive Club was delayed for two reasons... 1. It's sh*t just like Watch_Dogs, 2. Sony knows GT6 will take sales from it. The idiotic part of all this? GT 6, which will surely be great, should've been a PS4 day one game. Any horrible job byEvolution, hate to say it but the studio deserves to be shuttered after this debacle. And horrible job by Sony. Just delay Killzone while you're at it and replace it with another damn indie. This is beyond infuriating.

Killzone is already gold. Evolution studio is the one to blame.

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


I think Drive Club was delayed for two reasons... 1. It's sh*t just like Watch_Dogs, 2. Sony knows GT6 will take sales from it. The idiotic part of all this? GT 6, which will surely be great, should've been a PS4 day one game. Any horrible job byEvolution, hate to say it but the studio deserves to be shuttered after this debacle. And horrible job by Sony. Just delay Killzone while you're at it and replace it with another damn indie. This is beyond infuriating.

Killzone is already gold. Evolution studio is the one to blame.

Sony deserves a lot of heat for this as well. It was obvious in July that both this and Watch_Dogs would miss launch and should've been delayed then.


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