






  • Review The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series (PlayStation 3)

    Everyday we're shufflin'

    Lee Everett’s failed the one golden rule of murdering folk: don’t get caught. As such, he's on his way to prison when civilisation collapses around him. It’s through Lee that you experience the harsh horrors of this new and unrecognisable world, and it’s not long before he, and by extension you, becomes responsible...


  • Review Sam & Max Episode 302: The Tomb Of Sammun-Mak (PlayStation 3)

    Sam & Max: The Tomb Of Sammun-Mak is a clever follow-up to the sometimes formulaic events of the Episode One

    The clever story-telling mechanics and challenging puzzles make this episode a solid entry in the season. While the escapades of evil space gorilla Skunka'pe made for a solid return for crime-fighting duo Sam & Max, The Tomb Of...

  • Review Sam & Max Episode 301: The Penal Zone (PlayStation 3)

    Ultimately, it's clever story-telling and interesting puzzles that are going to make you want to check out Sam & Max's third season debut, The Penal Zone, even if the episode does overstay its welcome

    Providing a story more mind-boggling than the sheer fact that Telltale are able to churn out these adventure games at such an alarming rate, Sam...