David Cage Reiterated That He Thinks Playstation 3 Is The Best System For Heavy Rain.

With a hesitation, a sigh and a pause, Cage responded, “Whatever I answer, my answer will be suspicious… I think it had to be on PlayStation 3 for two main reasons: the hardware, the architecture of the PS3 is extremely powerful in the way it is structured. If you make a real PS3 engine, then you can have really fantastic performances. If you try to port from another platform, then it becomes difficult.”

He continued, “This is a console we all love at the studio. I play PSOne, PS2, it’s really a part of my culture. The controller is part of my home… and it’s a really, really powerful console. I’m not so much into graphics, to be honest with you, I don’t believe you need ultra realistic graphics to get emotion, you can get that with very low graphics. But we wanted to create emotion from believable characters, that was the idea. With this approach PS3 was by far the best platform.”

Heavy Rain was one of the stars of the show at this weeks Eurogamer Expo, alongside other Playstation 3 exclusives such as God Of War III.