The latest game in Atari's retro revival plan is just around the corner, and it's approaching pretty fast. NeoSprint, a modern spin on the old school arcade racing series, is due for release on 27th June 2024. Check out the brief new trailer above.

NeoSprint is an isometric, top-down racing game with colourful visuals and various ways to play. A solo campaign mode takes you through numerous cups with increasingly tough tracks, and you'll unlock new customisable car types to master as you go. The main attraction will be local and online multiplayer, bolstered by the game's track editor, meaning a theoretically endless supply of player-made circuits to enjoy.

As well as pure races, there are obstacle courses and time trials to trump, and you can make your own Grand Prix events using custom courses. It seems like a pretty robust release — we'll know for certain in just over a month when it launches.

Are you excited for NeoSprint on PS5 and PS4? Run into the comments section below.