Ghost Recon Breakpoint Character Builds Best Classes and Perks to Unlock

Character builds in Ghost Recon: Breakpoint? You better believe it. Ubisoft's open world shooter lets you adopt a number of different playstyles, and in this guide, we're going to be detailing character builds that you may find useful, or perhaps our builds will give you some ideas of your own. You can also find the best Ghost Recon: Breakpoint single player class and best Ghost Recon: Breakpoint skills through the links.

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint character builds are based on a class and up to three perks. In order to equip three perks, it should be noted that you need to acquire the additional perk slots from the skill tree.

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint Character Builds

Below you'll find a list of the best Ghost Recon: Breakpoint character builds that you can create in Ubisoft's open world shooter. Pick the one that matches your playstyle.

Pure Assault

Pure Assault is all about making the Assault class as deadly and as efficient as possible, using perks to build on its existing strengths.

Class: Assault

Recommended weapons: Assault Rifles, Shotguns


On top of your Assault class bonuses, Gunslinger gives you even more accuracy and handling, which is great when using assault rifles.
On top of your Assault class bonuses for shotguns, Guerilla gives you damage resistance and increased health regen speeds whenever you land a shot. Stacking bonuses is the name of the game.
Since you're using the Assault class, you're usually going to be fighting at close range, and sometimes, a decisive melee kill can make all the difference. Adrenaline ensures your melee kills gel with the rest of the build, giving you bonus reload speed and accuracy after gutting an opponent.

Pure Panther

Pure Panther is all about making the Panther class as deadly and as efficient as possible, using perks to build on its existing strengths.

Class: Panther

Recommended Weapons: SMGs, Shotguns, Assault Rifles


Close & Personal
The Panther class focuses on mobility and stealthy melee kills, but sometimes you're bound to be caught in the act. Close & Personal ensures that you have a backup plan if all hell breaks loose, giving you bonuses to reload speed and movement speed. Great for SMG users.
Slim Shadow
Slim Shadow grants significant bonuses to your overall stealth as well as your movement speed. Perfect for when you're sneaking through an enemy base, waiting for the right time to strike.
Sixth Sense
Sixth Sense greatly increases the distance from which enemies are automatically marked. When you're deep in enemy territory, stealthily shanking your foes, this perk can be both a huge time and life saver.

Pure Medic

Pure Medic is all about making the most of the Field Medic's inherent survivability. It focuses on perks that make you even harder to kill while supporting your allies.

Class: Field Medic

Recommended Weapons: Whatever you're comfortable with


Burst Forth
Burst Forth gives you bonuses to movement speed and stamina regen speed, allowing a medic to make it to a wounded ally in record time. It also makes retreating to a safer distance a more viable option if the going gets tough.
When you revive an ally, Revivalist grants you bonus movement speed and a nice boost to damage resistance. The perfect perk if you're playing co-op as a medic.

Pure Sharpshooter

Pure Sharpshooter is all about making the Sharpshooter class as deadly and as efficient as possible, using perks to build on its existing strengths.

Class: Sharpshooter

Recommended Weapons: Sniper Rifles, Marksman Rifles


More accuracy and handling can't be a bad thing when you're playing as a sniper.
Rolling Thunder
This perk is a must if sniper rifles are your primary weapons. When wielding one, it grants bonus weapon damage and increased damage to drones.
Ballistic Advantage
Another must-have perk if you're playing as a sniper. It gives more range and better handling.

Multi-Situational Soldier

This build is all about being able to adapt to most situations. It makes use of perks that offer solid all-round bonuses that you can't really go wrong with.

Class: Any

Recommended Weapons: Whatever you're comfortable with.


Gunslinger's bonuses to weapon accuracy and handling applies to all weapon types, so this is a great perk for anyone looking to try out different guns.
Burst Forth
A good all-round perk that provides bonuses useful for any build.
Sensor Hack
Drones are pretty much the trickiest enemies in Breakpoint, so being able to better avoid them with Sensor Hack makes you a more adaptable fighter. The decent damage bonus to drones is a nice addition, too.

Human Tank

The Human Tank is designed to make you as hard to kill as possible. On harder difficulties you can't just walk through bullets, but you should still be reasonably tough to take down.

Class: Assault

Recommended Weapons: Shotguns, Assault Rifles, LMGs


Feel No Pain
Feel No Pain negates critical injuries, meaning that you're always able to at least jog, and you're never going to find yourself rooted to the spot unless you're already dead. Couple this with the Assault class' extra health and True Grit technique, and you can soak up a lot more damage than other builds without suffering any significant penalties.
This perk syncs well with Feel No Pain, allowing you to potentially tank incoming fire as you sprint towards an enemy for a melee kill, which will the restore your health.
Bonus damage resistance and health regen speed when you're blasting fools with your shotgun? This is a great perk if you're looking to soak up bullets like no one's business.

Heavy Gunner

The Heavy Gunner is all about raining bullets on your enemies. Constant suppressing fire and high damage output are your specialities.

Class: Assault

Recommended Weapons: LMGs, Assault Rifles


Pack Mule
Pack Mule lets you carry 40% more ammo, which is perfect for LMG users. More ammo on pick up isn't to be sniffed at either, especially when you're pulling the trigger for fun.
Close & Personal
Increased reload speed can be a godsend when you need to feed some fresh bullets into your LMG.
Additional handling and accuracy for your LMG means that you won't be spraying and praying quite so often.

Marathon Runner

The Marathon Runner focuses on stamina and mobility, allowing you to quickly get out of combat should you need to. It also lets you sprint around the battlefield like a madman.

Class: Panther, Assault, Field Medic

Recommended Weapons: Whatever you're comfortable with


Burst Forth
Better stamina regen, better movement speed. This perk's an obvious choice.
Slim Shadow
While Slim Shadow is mostly about stealth, the mobility bonus isn't to be sniffed at. It grants you an initial speed boost that makes breaking from cover easier.
Feel No Pain
Since running is always an option with this build, Feel No Pain can be a great perk to have, as it stops those stray bullets from causing any particularly nasty injuries.

Squad Player

The Squad Player is a co-op focused build that lets you perform better when you're fighting alongside allies.

Class: Field Medic, Sharpshooter

Recommended Weapons: Whatever you're comfortable with


An interesting perk that restores your health whenever an ally gets a kill. A group of smooth operators can get a lot of mileage out of this one, especially if you're all in sync.
Recon Mastery
Grants you better technique cooldown when you mark an enemy with your drone, helping out both you and your buddies. Gels especially well with the Sharpshooter class.
Again, another perk that helps you for helping out a teammate. Revive a member of your squad and get some pretty chunky movement speed and damage resistance bonuses.


The Scout build places an emphasis on spotting targets from a distance, and backing your allies up with precise, long range kills.

Class: Sharpshooter

Recommended Weapons: Sniper Rifles, Marksman Rifles


Recon Mastery
Getting bonus xp for marking enemies is neat, but the real reason to take this perk is so that you can get your Sharpshooter's Armor Buster technique as often as possible. Send your drone in, spot your foes, and unleash havoc from a distance.
Ballistic Advantage
Snipe your foes from an even greater range with this perk.
Rolling Thunder
A must for anyone who primarily uses sniper rifles. The 20% added weapon damage is pretty big considering sniper rifles are already powerful.


The Grenadier class is all about making your explosives as destructive as possible.

Class: Assault

Recommended Weapons: Whatever you're comfortable with


Explosives Expert
This perk is the bread and butter of the build. Bigger blast radius, more damage, and longer throws on all explosives. Why wouldn't you?
Feel No Pain
Let's be real, throwing grenades every chance you get is bound to come back to bite you at some point. Feel No Pain ensures that you're not crippled by your own bad aim.

Drone Killer

The name says it all: Drone Killer is about smashing drones to pieces as efficiently as possible.

Class: Assault, Sharpshooter

Recommended Weapons: Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, LMGs


Sensor Hack
Sensor Hack makes it easier to avoid drones and get a better angle on them, while also giving you a bonus to damage. A must for this build.
Drone Hunter
Drone Hunter lets you get your health back whenever you destroy a drone, and destroying drones is what this build does best. As a welcome bonus, it also restores the health of your allies.
Rolling Thunder
Rolling Thunder requires a sniper rifle, but the bonuses are too significant to ignore for this build. 20% extra damage to drones, stacked on top of Sensor Hack, is a big deal. Add the Sharpshooter's class technique to this, and you're looking at some serious impact.

The Sheriff

Prefer dishing out justice with just your sidearm? The Sheriff build is for you. It focuses on making pistols as effective as they can be.

Class: Panther

Recommended Weapons: Handguns


An obvious choice that increases damage and XP bonus, while also making your class technique more readily available. Coupled with the Panther's Cloak & Run technique, it's a great choice for hit-and-run tactics, especially if you're using a silenced pistol.
What's a sheriff without the Gunslinger perk? Some handguns can be surprisingly unwieldy when you're firing off multiple shots in quick succession, so having increased accuracy and handling is a good idea.

The Showstopper

The Showstopper build is all about becoming a shotgun-toting monster. Close quarters fire fights are your area of expertise.

Class: Assault

Recommended Weapons: Shotguns


An must-have perk if you're primarily using shotguns. For every blast that hits, you get instant damage resistance and health regen speed. Play it right, and you can storm numerous foes and without being gunned down.
Burst Forth
If your gameplan is to get as close to the enemy as quickly as possible, Burst Forth is an obvious choice for any shotgun enthusiast.
Feel No Pain
Feel No Pain helps you shrug off big injuries that would otherwise stop you in your tracks. With this, you don't have to worry about getting crippled before reaching your shotgun's next target.