
Topic: The Trophy Discussion Thread

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@sorteddan Great stuff, nice to find a surprise hit.

My latest are...
Puzzling Places Vr. Really good game (or app more like), if you like jigsaw puzzles.
Cross buy on vr1 and vr2, highly recommend.
100 hours to plat.

Tales of Arise. My first Tales game, I liked the characters and some of the conversations were quite funny.
60 hours, 3/10 difficulty although I played on very easy, normal difficulty seemed pretty hard to me but I was probably playing it wrong and I always seemed slightly underleveled.



@sorteddan Strong work there 💪🏼. No small feat. Especially considering when I completed my playthrough I was only at 34% trophy completion. And I thought I was fairly thorough. 😅

@CaptD I was considering making Arise my first Tales game also. How does it hold up compared to other RPGs? I mentioned elsewhere how I’ve cooled on JRPGs lately, whereas they used to be one of my favorite genres.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution. Apparently Tales is one of, if not the best Tales so it seemed like a good place for me to start.
I enjoyed it, it is fairly typical of Jrpgs I guess, fishing, lots of chatter although the writing and characters were pretty well done and all characters were likeable. It isn't all voiced though with sub quests just getting the text treatment which is to be expected tbh.
Fighting is fun with you being able to choose from all the characters and spells (which you have to use points to unlock). Most battles are an enjoyable chaos and some of the bosses are spectular although not all. Fighting is real time but you can pause to change target, party member etc..
The world building is pretty good with variety and scale although some dungeons at the end of the game are a convoluted mess, unnecessary padding imo.
The platinum requires very little grinding perhaps an hour or two at the end of your game, the platinum rate is a high 10% which is a good sign. There are no missables so just play it without a guide although when a conversation prompt appears in the bottom right of the screen, do press it.

A few other gameplay tips...
Don't bother with fishing until you are lvl60 and can get a decent rod (I never failed with this rod). Fishing isn't really needed and (for me) is just annoying early on.
Late game (lvl 50) there are some artefacts and you want to hunt down to give you XP boosts to avoid a longer grind at end.

I played it on PS Extra.



@CaptD Cool. Thanks, buddy. I don’t know when and if, but that’s very informative.

As a side note, I don’t understand why all JRPGs have to include a fishing activity. Even some WRPGs (Red Dead Redemption 2 comes to mind) do it, but it’s just weird how ubiquitous it is. Even in Spider-Man 2 I did one side quest that involved pulling fish from the water, although Spidey threw them back after collecting the needed information. 😂 I’ve just never been a fan of fishing mini-games and they’re one of the few that I usually skip unless I’m going for a related trophy.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Just obtained my first platinum trophy for the year, for the game Maneater (aka my nickname in High School... huahuehuahue). You play as a mutated shark who is apparently seeking revenge against the man who killed its mother. I dunno, it tries to set up this tragic Moby Dick scenario, but that conflicts with the game's broadly sardonic tone. I think the frame story is a Discovery Channel-esque reality show that's following the human characters, but the concept is never fully explored.

It was a breezy 18 hour or so plat, obtained over three days. I guess you could say this game sunk its teeth into me. badum-tish Granted, it's an extremely flawed game on PS4. Character models look like they were ripped straight from the PS2. The framerate TANKS in action sequences, to the point where it'll frequently just freeze for several seconds at a time. It's also supposed to be this interconnected open world, but sometimes when you drift into a new zone it'll boot you to a loading screen for ten seconds like it's an old Monster Hunter game. The combat itself is pretty lame underwater, with fights frequently turning into clunky jousting matches. And worst of all, it sorta... you know that Jaws game on the NES where you spend almost the entire game killing turtles and dolphins and whatnot? This feels similar, but with an open world RPG layer to it. Granted, this game does put you up against people and let you cause mayhem, but more often than not you'll be hunting down random fish to consume, especially early on.

That said, despite its many, many problems, something about it worked for me. I sort of found the clunky, exploration-driven gameplay loop charming. It reminded me of the weird, low-budget games I used to find in Gamestop bargain bins. Actually, this also only cost me $5, but on Amazon, since I buy my games online like a civilized human being these days. I also enjoyed the game's stupidity: an invisible announcer will frequently chime in and sociopathically make cracks as you're massacring beaches full of people. Even better, when you fight so-called "apex predators" (basically stronger fish like orcas, sperm whales, etc.), the announcer will hype them up like it's Wrestlemania or something.

The game also likes to drop random shark facts in the loading screens, which I thought was fun. Sorry, PS5 owners with your lightning fast hard drives, you might end up remaining shark knowledge-less.

Oh, and this game has DLC, and it REALLY wants you to know it. A section of your growth chart is gated behind the DLC, and it even has an end-game questline that terminates in a preview of the DLC in order to tempt you to buy it.

Sorry, suckers, but I got my plat. I'm out!

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


Anyone picking up Raji an ancient epic which has just been added to Plus Extra?
I've just watched the PlayStation ps5 trailer and I had to laugh at one of the ps5 version bulletpoints ... "Platinum trophy". They obviously heard the groans from the PS4 players. 😂

Anyhoo my latest platinum.... Shadow Warriors 2. 40 hours, 3/10. Pretty good but very much an old school game, 30fps , small levels with technical issues (the fps stalls when crossing auto save boundary areas on maps can get annoying in what is a fast paced game). Nasty grind as well. Ps Extra game. Developed by the same peeps that made Evil West which I've yet to play.



Platinum #99 Dragon's Dogma 2. 😀

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D

PSN: Splathew


#51 - Ghost of Tsushima

Already planted my thoughts on the game in the recently beaten thread. Decent plat, that last hot spring was annoying though being hidden.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Platinum #56 - Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Definitely one of the hardest and longest platinums I've achieved - the brutal challenges, legendary bouts and final bosses on hard mode are absolutely no joke.
I wouldn't have done it without some surprisingly effective tactics found in a youtube guide. Some people really are gaming out there.



@Voltan Wow well done, you probably need a holiday after that.



Platinum No 41 = Spider-Man 2
I’ve gushed about this game enough, but it was a real joy to play and platinum. Great game.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Raji an ancient epic.
What a delightful game, a cross between Tomb raider (those isometric platform ones) and the world of Uncharted lost legacy.
Difficulty 3/10, Time 8 hours and on Ps Extra,
The main downside, as with the aforementioned tomb raider games is the combat so I recommend Story mode.
A few missable trophies but thankfully no trophies for not dying which you will do numerous times...gravity is the hidden boss.

A real hidden gem.

Edited on by CaptD



Excellent effort my friend 👍
How long did it take you? Did it require a NG+ run like one of the others did?

Ooh nice. Thanks for the info, may have to add it to my to-do list.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan My PS5 timer says I spent 39 hrs. And I took my time and did way more than I needed just roaming about NYC beating up baddies. It could easily be done in 30 hrs if you stay on task and are efficient with your game time.

NG+ is not required for the platinum, so you’re safe there. There is an extra silver trophy for NG+ though. So it’s one of those situations where you get the platinum but the percentage on your trophy list will say 97% by the game. 😒

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”



And it only took 104 hours! I'm glad to be done with it, but I also miss it already.


PSN: Bentleyma-


Looks like I locked myself out of one of the endings (and by extension one of the trophies) of Stellar Blade by being too thorough 😩
Guess I'll have to delete my save and speedrun the game on easy after I'm done.

Edit: It's possible that the source that told me the above might've been written before NG+ was added and I should be able to get the other ending in NG+ instead of deleting the save. There's hope

Edited on by Voltan



Got my 119th in time for Star Wars Day…Star Wars Episode I: Racer



Platinum #57 - Stellar Blade
Good game, however the trophy list can be frustrating if you don't look up some things in time (luckily I did just in time).
Requires either 2 playthroughs (one of which can be NG+ on story/easy mode with no optional stuff, only takes a few hours) or some tricky save fine gymnastics

Now thing is... I'm stll missing the trophy for unlocking all NG+ skills - while it's not needed for the platinum, it's gonna annoy me because it's well within reach - so I guess I'm gonna start another NG+ 😂

Edit: aaaaand it's done

Edited on by Voltan



Platinum #101 Fallout 4.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D

PSN: Splathew


Platinum #58 - Frog Detective: The Entire Mystery
This one can be done in a couple hours but I really enjoyed these cute little adventures

Edited on by Voltan


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