Assassin's Creed Odyssey Patch 1.30 PS4

With the second episode of Assassin's Creed Odyssey's Fate of Atlantis DLC saga due next month, the game's getting another big update on PlayStation 4. Patch 1.30 isn't going to steal many headlines, but it's still a pretty meaty download, weighing in at around 6.4GB on Sony's system. And yes, you can grab it right now.

Again, there are no big additions or changes that catch our eye this time around, but the patch notes are still lengthy. As hinted, the update includes support for the upcoming episode as well as the next free Lost Tales of Greece quest, which should be arriving in the near future. The patch also buffs the damage dealt by your trusty eagle Ikaros, and a handful of balance adjustments have been made to things like mercenary loot, the sometimes crazy fire damage, and more. If you want the full run down, be sure to check out the complete patch notes through here.

Are you still playing Odyssey? Do you still dive in now and then for the weekly or daily quests? Maybe for the free content? Keep us up to date in the comments section below.
