We reckon God of War is pretty bloody good, so we're going to take a minute to plug the game's soundtrack, which is available now on music streaming service Spotify. Could be a good way to increase your hype levels if they're not already through the roof and sailing into orbit.

Comprising of 21 songs, the album clocks in at over an hour, and it all sounds suitably epic. When asked his opinion on the quality of the soundtrack, our own Sammy Barker told us that it's "right good, like".

What's more, Sony's released a video that goes over the making of said soundtrack, and it's an interesting watch if you're curious as to how something like this comes together. We've embedded that above.

Have you given this album a listen? Do you love it, do you hate it, what would you rate it? You're the best, you're the best, what should we rev-oh, er, sorry about that. Not sure what happened there.

[source open.spotify.com, via blog.eu.playstation.com]