Far Cry 5 Collectible Comic Book Locations: How to Find All 12 Comics to Complete Golden Age Nostalgia

There's a quest in Far Cry 5 that challenges you to find 12 comics for a collector, and they can be quite tricky to track down. While you could buy an expensive map to help you, you could just read below for all of the locations in one handy place.

We recommend bookmarking this guide so you can refer back to it as you play. Happy hunting!

Far Cry 5 Collectible Comic Book Locations

Outpost Region Location
Parker Laboratories Holland Valley Desk
Boyd Residence Holland Valley Bed
Bradbury Farm Holland Valley Barn loft
Peaches Taxidermy Whitetail Mountains TV
Jefferson Lookout Tower Whitetail Mountains Table
McNeill Residence Whitetail Mountains Bathroom
Elliot Residence Whitetail Mountains Climb through the window next to the 'Resist Jacob' sign
Chan Residence Henbane River Bed
Vasquez Residence Henbane River Couch
Camp Cougars Henbane River Tent
Boshaw Manor Henbane River Bedside table
O'Hara's Haunted House Henbane River Mattress in attic