monster hunter world clan squads.jpg

So it's already been established that Monster Hunter: World is the real deal. It ain't no watered down Western version of Capcom's creature-culling series, as was the worry of many. With that squared away, the publisher seems keen to point out what improvements the home console release is bringing to the Monster Hunter formula.

One key addition is the introduction of "squads", which are essentially clans. You can have up to 50 players in a squad, and team up with other members of the same squad is apparently very straightforward. Squads can even assign their own icons so that you can spot members at a glance, and squads can make use of special gathering hubs where everyone can meet up before going out on missions. In short, it all sounds pretty cool if you plan on getting stuck into the social side of the game. Oh, and you can be a member of up to eight different squads if you really want to be busy.

Naturally, we'll be making an official Push Square squad when Monster Hunter: World launches in January next year.

Are you looking forward to Capcom's latest project? Swing a completely oversized blade around in the comments section below.

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