In progress

Want to know what one of the most exciting parts of E3 is? Watching the massive promotions being erected around downtown Los Angeles. And with just over a week to go, Sony’s already pulled in the painters to produce a gigantic mural on the side of a rather large building. We assume Kratos’ bald pate will appear in good time.

This is actually the same wall that Sony often hires, with Horizon: Zero Dawn appearing in the same space this time last year. Could it mean that the Norse adventure isn’t all that far away? Might we see it around March 2018 time? All will probably be revealed in a matter of days, but for now just appreciate the scale of the task these poor painters have got ahead of them.

Rather them than us – we're not especially fond of heights.

Update: And below is the completed mural, courtesy of Monkey Flop. One thing of note is the slightest glimpse of a giant snake to the far left peeping out of the water. This monstrosity was spotted in the gameplay demo last year, too, suggesting that it's probably going to play a big part in the plot.

God of War Mural 1

Looking good, eh?
