Horizon Zero Dawn How to Fast Travel PS4 PlayStation 4 Guide

How do you fast travel in Horizon Zero Dawn? While you can hop around the open world, leaping from one bonfire to another, the system is gated by Fast Travel Packs which you'll either need to craft or loot. If you don't want to worry about your supply of Fast Travel Packs then you can also unlock unlimited fast travel courtesy of the Golden Fast Travel Pack. As part of our Horizon Zero Dawn guide, we're going to explain how to fast travel without restrictions.

Horizon Zero Dawn: How to Fast Travel

In order to fast travel in Horizon Zero Dawn, bring up the map by pushing the touchpad and browse to a bonfire that you've previously discovered. Assuming that you have a Fast Travel Pack and there's no story-based reason blocking you from teleporting across the map, then push the R2 button and you'll be good to go.

You can find Fast Travel Packs on the bodies of bandits and in treasure chests, or you can craft your own. Of course this can become an expensive habit as you progress through the game, so you may be wondering how to unlock unlimited fast travel.

Horizon Zero Dawn: How to Unlock Unlimited Fast Travel

In order to unlock unlimited fast travel, you're going to want the Golden Fast Travel Pack. This can be purchased from most Merchants outside of the prologue area, particularly in and around Meridian. It costs 50 metal shards, 1 fox skin, and 10 fatty meat, which is reasonable.

Purchase it from the Resources section of your chosen Merchant's inventory, and you'll never need to worry about a Fast Travel Pack again.

Do you fast travel often in Horizon Zero Dawn? Did you unlock the Golden Fast Travel Pack yet? Check out our Horizon Zero Dawn guide, and let us know in the comments section below.