There's no question that the past couple of months have been kind to PlayStation Plus, with the lineup in September and October really taking a step back towards the series' very best days. But still there's a recurring sentiment that the service needs an overhaul, with the PlayStation 3 and Vita games becoming increasingly less relevant over time.

One idea that we've seen proposed around the web is the addition of PlayStation VR titles to the Instant Game Collection, replacing one of Sony's older platforms with a brand new one. And writing on the PlayStation Blog, it's a prospect that the platform holder has admitted that it's exploring: "We have nothing to share at this point in time, but we are looking into it."

Personally speaking, as someone who intends to purchase a PlayStation VR headset, this is a concept that this author could get behind – but we suspect that those of you less interested in virtual reality will be a bit less generous about it. Either way, even after a couple of great months, it's evident that Sony's subscription model needs a shake-up – but will it be able to please everyone in the process?
