Tokyo Jungle PS4 PlayStation 4 1

A lot of people probably remember Tokyo Jungle for its obscure, Pomeranian-sporting front cover, but it was an excellent game in its own right. Set in a world in which humans have become extinct and animals roam the streets of cities, players had to gather animals into packs and take over Tokyo, battling with other fauna in the process.

Four years after its release, producer of Tokyo Jungle and Sony Computer Entertainment employee Masaaki Yamagiwa posted two pictures on Twitter – yes, it is a legitimate news source now – depicting him in a meeting with the game's director Yohei Kataoka, with the captions: "We gave [sic] a meeting of Tokyo Jungle after a long time" and "With the main members of Tokyo Jungle, director Kataoka and Sugano. I want to make something"

So, could Tokyo Jungle get a port/remaster to PS4, or is a sequel in the works? Earlier this year, Shuhei Yoshida said that 2016 would be chock full of new games for the PS4, so either idea could be realistic. Would you like a sequel to Tokyo Jungle, or would you want the game to be left alone? Build an army of beagles in the comments.

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