fallout 4 codsworth names.png

When Bethesda showed Fallout 4 off for the first time at E3 2015, studio lead Todd Howard mentioned that your robot butler, Codsworth, would actually say your character's name if it was in the title's database - he wasn't lying, either. When this particular author started the game and called his vault dweller 'Robert', for example, we were delighted to hear Codsworth begin sentences with "Mister Robert". Truly, next-gen has arrived.

So, is your name included in Fallout 4? One way to find out is to check these lists on orcz.com, which have been assembled by the community. Sadly, there are some rather curious omissions, including relatively common names such as Amy, Beth, Kyle, Neil, and Rachel, among others. Can't win 'em all, we suppose.

There is, however, an abundance of great names that will indeed work. Many of them are references to other games as well as characters from television shows, books, and movies. We've got Akira, Tetsuo, and Kaneda for starters, alongside Archer, Django, Battosai, Buffy, Corvo, Deckard, Furiosa, Hawke, and Yojimbo - it just goes on and on, and not all of the available names have been discovered yet, either. There are even some total joke names, such as Assface, Bacon, Boob, Orgasmo, and Asdf. Incredible.

What name are you giving to your poor protagonist? Try not to swear in the comments section below.

[source orcz.com]