Detroit PS4 PlayStation Quantic Dream

Divisive director David Cage has been discussing Detroit: Become Human in the wake of last night's Paris Games Show 2015 reveal. Speaking with the PlayStation Blog, he hinted that while the PlayStation 4 exclusive will share the studio's penchant for emotional engagement, it will also have its own vibe compared to its immediate predecessors.

"I think that there are some common points with what we've done in the past," he explained. "The game's based on storytelling, emotion, and the emotional involvement of the player. But the title has its own voice and is really a different experience from Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain in many, many different ways."

Cage didn't delve into what those differences will be, but it sounds like the game will follow the studio's interactive story blueprint. "It's built around this idea that the player is the core writer of the experience, and they will tell their own story through their actions," he added. "So, we can have a very, very significant impact on the story and the world itself."

As for the plot, isn't it a bit predictable? "Our story is, what does it mean to be human? What does it mean to have emotions? This is really what we want to talk about," he concluded. The word is that Cage isn't the sole writer on this one, so hopefully he's been blocked from going off the rails. We think that the concept's interesting, though, if a little well worn. Hopefully the developer brings something new to the table.
