Reggie Fils-Aime Nintendo PlayStation

Reggie Fils-Aime is one of the more likeable executives in the industry, but his claws were out at E3 2015. The backlash to Nintendo's lacklustre Digital Event led to some subtle probing from various corners of the press, and the Nintenboss opted to deflect those criticisms with barbed comments at the competition. Take this one on the prospect of a new Metroid Prime.

"The best way to launch a game like that is to surprise and delight [fans], to give them a launch date, in an environment like this let them play it versus what other companies do which is to announce a project that you may not see for five, six years," he hissed. "It's just not the way we do things." Fair point, but The Last Guardian aside, we don't think that Sony's in the habit of teasing projects that far off either – heck, prior to last week it was being lambasted for not showing enough.

Speaking with Polygon, the ex-Pizza Hut executive had another little dig: "We don't sell TV sets, we don't sell operating systems. We are in the video game entertainment space," he said. "So we have to constantly be thinking about what's next, what's the future? In always thinking about the future there always is the risk that there is going to be some slip or inadvertent disclosure."

Fils-Aime was responding to a question regarding the unannounced Nintendo NX platform, which is expected to be revealed next year. We kind of understand what he's saying: the House of Mario is only really engaged in one business, and so that's where its focus rests. However, we know that production on the PlayStation 4 started almost immediately after the PlayStation 3 shipped, so it's not like Nintendo's the only company constantly looking to the future. In fact, given current sales trends, one could argue that both Microsoft and Sony are better readers of the market than the legendary Kyoto company.

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