You shouldn't go out alone

From what we can tell, this newest Japanese promotion for upcoming action role-playing game Bloodborne sees celebrities tackle the tough-as-nails title for our entertainment. Better them than us, we say.

It's up to Nobuaki Kaneko, an actor and apparently a rock drummer, to survive an early segment of the game, and surprisingly, he doesn't completely embarrass himself. It's a pretty funny video, as the movie and drama star's nerves get the better of him at points, forcing him to blurt out some desperate sounding speech.

Even if you're not here for the gossip, we reckon that the video's still worth a watch if you're in the mood for some more gameplay footage. Will you be picking up Bloodborne, or are you happy to just hide in a well-lit room somewhere? Wipe off all that red stuff in the comments section below.