Harbour lane

That image of an older Ellie may not belong to The Last of Us sequel that you crave, but you will be able to work your way through some new content pertaining to the popular PlayStation 3 exclusive this week. As previously announced, developer Naughty Dog is playing fetch with a bunch of post-release add-on packs, and Season Pass holders will be able to nab the lot for free from 6th May in North America and 7th May in Europe.

The goodies include the new Reclaimed Territories map pack, three fresh multiplayer firearms, a bunch of online skills, and the terrifying Grounded Mode single player difficulty tier, which will supposedly add the most demanding Trophy ever to the game. You’ll be able to buy all of these extras a la carte if you’re not a premium member, with individual prices outlined through here. It’s worth mentioning that if you don’t have the Season Pass yet, that will leave the PlayStation Store forever next week.

Also, a new update for the first-party foray will go live overnight, with full patch notes still to be deployed. And don’t worry if you haven’t played the game yet, as the developer has confirmed that all of the above content will be included with upcoming PlayStation 4 re-release The Last of Us Remastered.

[source blog.us.playstation.com]