Tears of joy

Charming PlayStation Vita exclusive Tearaway is almost here, and those mischievous geniuses over at Media Molecule have graced us with an adorable launch trailer to keep the hype rolling. The video shows off the game's striking visuals as well as its inventive controls that make full use of the handheld's hardware.

In further celebration of the game's impending release, its community site, Tearaway.me, has officially launched. You can go and sign up right now and redeem some free papercraft models for doing so. Finally, a demo will be released this Friday if you're still feeling unsure. However, we awarded the puzzling platformer an admirable 9/10 in our review, so any excuses you cooked up for not playing it have been rendered paper thin. Will you be picking up Tearaway, or are you folding on this crafty creation? Cut to the heart of the matter in the comments section below.

[source blog.eu.playstation.com]