Time to expand your virtual cabinet

Sometimes it’s the simple things that represent the most exciting aspects of a new console launch: the startup screen, the user interface, the Trophy unlock prompt, and so on. Fortunately, with the PlayStation 4’s release date fast approaching, you can experience the latter courtesy of a pre-release Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag video. But what’s changed?

Well, not a lot really. Unlock notifications now appear on the left, in a much more stylish box that maintains the feel of the rest of the interface. The platform holder hasn’t remixed the jingle, which should reassure some. This is running on pre-release software, so the actual icons aren’t in place yet, but there’s a little square silhouette where they will appear.

Alright, so this isn’t the most exciting tidbit in the world, but earning Trophies is such a pivotal part of the PlayStation experience that we figured that it was worth posting nonetheless. What do you think of the new notification? Do you intend to step up your treasure hunting tactics on Sony’s next generation machine? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source youtube.com, via twitter.com]