We Know It's A Terrible Name, But We Should Be Thankful The Yakuza Games Get Localised At All.

We'd happily play one every year. And if a trademark registered by SEGA is what we think it is, it looks like we'll get our wish granted next year too.

Yesterday, SEGA filed a trademark for Yakuza: Dead Souls in Europe. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that this is probably a rename for Yakuza: Of The End — a zombie filled spin-off in the mafia drama that released in Japan this year.

We've messed around with the Japanese version of Of The End, and while it's playable and fun — we'd prefer to experience the game in our native tongue. Well, y'know, with sub-titles we understand at least.

Nothing is guaranteed, but we think a Western release of Yakuza: Of The End looks pretty safe at this point. And we couldn't be happier about it.

(Seriously, we're doing a little victory dance over here).

[Thanks Joystiq]