Could These Trademarks Be Our Very First Glimpse At Bungie's Next Project?

They are part of a publishing deal with Activision, and their next title is almost certainly set to come to the PlayStation 3. Today, the Internet's gone into a rumour frenzy after a bunch of trademarks from the esteemed developer have floated to the surface.

The name, trademarked last year, could mean anything, but are likely to do with Bungie's next project. "Osiris", "New Monarchy", "Seven Seraphs" and "Dead Orbit" were all filed by the company. What could they mean? No idea — but they all sound suitably sci-fi don't they?

We'll probably find out what Bungie's up to at E3. It would be a bit of a shocker if they announced it at Sony's press conference wouldn't it?