Metal Gear Solid: Rising May Be Pushing The Franchise In A New Direction, But It's Also Sticking To Its Roots.

It replaces seasoned protagonist Snake with Raiden, and switches tranquilizers for samurai swords. When all's said and done though, it is still a Metal Gear game. And that means that the stealth elements will remain in tact. In fact, according to Rising's producer, you'll be able to play through the game without ever needing to kill another human being.

“I believe that MGS has a key stealth element in not trying to kill anyone,” producer Shigenobu Matsuyama told Kotaku. “You could actually have a no-kill completion [in Rising].

“There will be a lot of mechs and cyborgs, but if you slice them up, that will be considered as a no-kill as well. You’ll have the freedom of killing humans, of course, but you can proceed through the game without killing a human being, but slicing up mechs and cyborgs.”

Apparently, the precision cutting mechanic (PlayStation Move support please) will allow you to disarm enemies without actually killing them; again, opening up a number of options for the player.

“I will put the essence of the beauty of the no-kill,” Matsuyama said. “I want to emphasize that I will never reward a player for killing human beings in the game. I won’t make it easier to clear the game [that way]. I will probably make it more difficult.”

Certainly sounds interesting, doesn't it? We just need Matsuyama to confirm Move support and we'll sleep perfectly well tonight. How about it?
