Shuhei Reckons We'll See The New XBOX & Nintendo Systems Before The Next PlayStation.

The PS2's been around for over a decade now and it's still worthy of discussion. That's kind of insane when you think about it.

Sometimes though, long hardware cycles doesn't work to Sony's advantage. The PlayStation 3 suffered somewhat from being so late to the market. While the gap has closed between the XBOX 360 and PlayStation 3, there's no doubt Sony lost some of the advantages of being considered the "standard" system of choice. The PlayStation 2 was always de-facto, but the PS3 has never been that.

Despite this, Sony's Worldwide Studios boss, Shuhei Yoshida, believes that the PlayStation 4 may be last to the market again. Speaking to Develop magazine , Shuhei stated the reason we're yet to hear a thing about Sony's next piece of hardware.

<span>"Naturally, in my opinion, Microsoft will make the first move. Or, because Nintendo's approach was not to upgrade much on its basic hardware - Wii doesn't even support HD resolution - so they might be the first to move.

"Probably we should watch these companies, in my opinion. Because PS3 was later than Xbox, and is more powerful, so it has a longer lifespan."</span>

Honestly, the next generation's not in any hurry. With developers only just starting to get the best out of the PlayStation 3, we believe this is a hardware cycle that will be stretched as long as possible. Personally, we don't think Sony will let Microsoft get another big lead.

This isn't the first time this week that Shuhei's mentioned new hardware. He spoke earlier this week about how Sony are working with their first-party teams to tailor their next console for game developers.

<span>It's early days, but we sense the PlayStation 4 chatter has started...
