"Infamy" tries to pull at your heart strings. The question of morality underscored by readings from the Bible; ironic for a game all about shooting folk. We guess that's kinda the idea. Either that, or we're missing something. Still, we don't think Modern Warfare 2 is a game that trailers well. After all, the first game was totally all about being in the moment when that (SPOILER) nuclear bomb went off (END SPOILER).

Seeing a ruined Washington DC does nothing for us. Even when set against giant orchestral music. Sorry Infinity Ward. We know your game's going to be awesome. But you've not quite got us. Yet.

Oh and, as much as the trailer would like you to think otherwise — this game is totally coming to Playstation 3 aswell. It's just Microsoft have no other big games to promote, y'see.