MAG on Playstation 3 Blow-Out Preview.
  • Dynamic multiplayer. The biggest selling point for MAG is its unique server achitecture that allows 256 players to compete in a battle at any one time. Teams are broken up into squads of eight, with four squads forming a platoon and four platoons forming a company. Each squad will have their own unique leader who is able to dictate the scene of play throughout the course of match. Obeying that leader will reward you with extra XP, so it's worthwhile following the commands of the person in charge.
  • Factions. MAG is trying to develop a "supporter-like" attachment to the three factions within the game. Players will have to choose their alleigance and comply to that team. There is S.V.E.R, a team built up from war-torn countries. Raven, a futuristic faction and Valor, a military force with more standardised gear.
  • FRAGOS. Once in your squad, leaders will need to appoint their team what are known as fragmentary objectives. These objectives must then be successfully carried out by the team, gaining additional XP to all those who follow the command of the team leader. The aim for the squad leaders is to dynamically gain the upper-hand in the battle. The game is set in a real warzone with a huge number of players, and objectively it's trying to represent that.
  • 30FPS. Despite boasting such a huge player count, MAG will also aim to hit a constant 30FPS framerate and have some rather delicious visuals. This is not Killzone, and therefore the graphics are not quite up to the standard of Sony's other leading first person shooter, but the quality is there which is astounding given the scale Zipper are trying to push with MAG.

With MAG's release coming ever closer, we'll have more on Sony's ambitious first person shooter at a later date.