The Playstation Motion Controller Has Been In Development For Years.

"I'm not unduly worried and I think the reason for that is that we've done a very good job with the PlayStation 3 as an overall value proposition without any motion control technology," said House.

His relaxed nature may stem from the fact that the controller has been in development for a good while now. "It's been a while," the exec said. "If you want to track it back the team has been working on that since the days of the original EyeToy." That's 2002.

Of course, while Sony managed to show a working demonstration live on the show floor - a demo that worked within real games and showed a level of accuracy even the Wii Motion Plus can't achieve - the showcase was minus any smoke and mirrors. Get Peter Molyneux to rant about how he's created real artificial intelligence in a pre-recorded video and you're guaranteed front-pages everywhere.